November 26th, 2016



[No Subject]

i am currently stranded on the maryland/west virginia border. fuck enterprise rentals.




Hi, guys! The November activity check is ready for you now. You will have until 6pm CST on Friday December 2nd to check in, but please keep in mind that all activity must take place in November.

We also have a DECEMBER CALENDAR for you! This month's calendar features some FUN BINGO and OUR FIRST MISSION.

Enjoy! As always, if you have comments or questions, please let us know!



[No Subject]

Crystal here, and as promised, a 4th ginger. Natasha is from post Civil War, and will be a clandestine field agent (big shocker). She's in Tower 1 and does not currently have a roommate.

ETA: I should also mention that Nat won't admit to where she's from right away, because that's how she rolls ~



[No Subject]

Ugh sorry to those who I said I'd start threads with... I fail. Work kind of sucked my soul? I came in on monday to learn that the co-worker who started on the 7th was leaving at the end of that week (yesterday). Joy. Chances are I'm going to be spotty for a bit but I'm going to do my best to not fail. I'll properly play catch up tomorrow but if you want me to tag things quickly link or email me?

Alex <333