December 12th, 2018


State of the Misha, Mid December Edition

Sorry for going radio silent again. If it's not one thing, it's another. Last week, my dad wasn't feeling well. He got progressively worse as the day went on, and around dinnertime we started thinking he needed to go to the ER. He was at that point non responsive and just out of it. So we called the squad. A week later, he's still in hospital. He's got an issue with his kidneys and a small bowel obstruction.

In the middle of all this, my mom's sister stopped by on her way home after a Disney vaycay. Mom started cardiac rehab on Monday. Oh, and I've got finals next week. And of course, Christmas...So needless to say, I've been stressed to the max, and by the time I finally get to sleep it's like 4am, and then I'm sleeping till noon or so. And between doing school work, visiting dad, and doing whatever else needs to be done, online time is scarce. I haven't even managed to write in my journal for over a week now.

But. I am still here. And maybe I'll even get my guys to post here soon.
Misha (Blake, Eliot, Galen, Gavin, Iain, Ira, Levi, Micah) <3