August 16th, 2019



[No Subject]


I guess I'll try this thing out, since it's as a good a way to meet people as any, I suppose. My name is Rosey, and I've just moved to Savannah, and I don't know anyone yet, but I'd like to make some friends.

I don't really... I don't really know what kinds of groups I'd join, if I joined groups. Or what groups are even out there to join. Do people still have book clubs? That might be nice. Or a board game sort of club. Or I played Dungeons and Dragons with Freddie, Tim and Lochie a bunch times back home, so I could definitely get back into that, if that was a thing people do here.

That was the nice thing about living at home, there were always plenty of people around, so at least someone was bound to be up for whatever you had planned.

But I'm sure there are lots of good things about Savannah, too. Like this brilliant new job I've got lined up for when school starts back up. I'm excited to meet my class and my coworkers. I hope they like me. And maybe I'll meet a nice girl get a pet.

Anyway, sorry to ramble on so. I hope... I hope at least someone replies.