Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - December 8th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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December 8th, 2007

FIC: Golden Angel, RL-DM [Dec. 8th, 2007|04:15 pm]
Title: Golden Angel
Author: Rakina
Pairing(s): Remus Lupin/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Implied abuse.
Summary: The prompt says it all.
Prompt: #124: After living with the harsh manner of his father, Draco seeks affection from another authority figure.
Author Note (if any): Word count: 5,682. This is set in Draco's third year.
Beta: hel_bee. Thank you yet again for going outside your comfort zone. I really do not deserve you.

Golden Angel )
Link19 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

FIC: A Warm Welcome [Dec. 8th, 2007|04:41 pm]


Title: A Warm Welcome
Author: Alliekatgal
Pairing(s): Harry/Charlie/Fred/George/Oliver
Rating: R
Warnings (if any): group masturbation
Summary: Harry receives the special welcome to the Quidditch Team.
Prompt: There's a special initiation ceremony for new Quidditch players, before/after their first game. PS/SS Harry is a bit younger than the usual new player, but he's not exempt from the ceremony.
Author Note (if any): A huge Thank-you to joanwilder for beta-ing.

A Warm Welcome )
Link13 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

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