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Looks like I just got here in time for the big move, so I'll be posting this twice I guess [Nov. 2nd, 2010|10:40 pm]
[Current Mood |bouncy]

Hello my name is Sara, I recently turned 21, which means I could still very well become an alcoholic.

So, I use to be a dancer now I'm not.
I use to live in Mississippi now I don't.
Some people are shy, I am not.
Sometimes you feel like you're nuts, sometimes you don't.

This is all you get until you play my little game of seeking Sara and come find me to see what I am really all about, however in the mean time if y'all want a lesson in some southern hospitality, it's at least polite to tell me yer name since I told you mine.

And while you're at it, tell me a little bit about something you are not. So many people worry about what they are they forget to worry about what they're not!

<3 S
you could also check out my first entry if I really seem all the interesting to you.
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[Oct. 31st, 2010|11:54 pm]

My little trick or treaters )
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Be Safe Everyone! [Oct. 31st, 2010|07:07 am]
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Trick Or Treat [Oct. 31st, 2010|02:19 am]
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[Oct. 30th, 2010|09:10 pm]
This Halloween... )

We went to a Halloween party and they did these special pictures on a green screen..I think it turned out pretty cool.
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[Oct. 29th, 2010|12:47 pm]
Oh, world. I am beat. Been working a tough case and I've finally figured out that I'm not 30 anymore.

Any which way, please make sure your doors are locked before you go to bed, folks. You'd be amazed what that can do to protect you sometimes.
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[Oct. 28th, 2010|11:44 am]
[Current Mood |bored]

Now that Halloween is just a few days away I thought it would be fun to ask everyone..What is your all time favorite candy to recieve on Halloween?

I love Candy Corn and Snickers.
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[Oct. 28th, 2010|09:03 am]
A hair cut and a visit to the dry cleaners yesterday. Here's my baby girl and me!

Taken w/ My Phone By My Dry-Cleaner! )
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[Oct. 27th, 2010|11:27 pm]
what I found when I got home.. )
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[Oct. 27th, 2010|10:01 pm]
Ever have someone walk in on you while your having sex?

Umm LOL her aunt at that?
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[Oct. 27th, 2010|04:37 pm]
So, I was going through some old videos and found this, a sweet flashback to when my boys were so small, everything was rainbows and smiles, and so sadly amusing? )
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[Oct. 25th, 2010|11:06 pm]
this is what happens when your bored.. )
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[Oct. 25th, 2010|07:15 pm]
My 8 month old made her daddy cry, she... )
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[Oct. 24th, 2010|09:40 pm]
while i was watching this Tori was posting pics of me.. )
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[Oct. 24th, 2010|08:41 pm]
[Current Mood |satisfied]

Someones a little tied up... )

Yeah, So I got proof at how scared he was when I told him there was no key! *laughs*
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[Oct. 23rd, 2010|11:56 am]
hey there everyone, I'm Cyrus and I just moved back to town from New York after retiring from baseball. It's weird saying I'm retired when I'm only in my mid thirties.. makes me feel old, maybe I am old.

So since I'm a retiree, I have a ton of time on my hands. What should I do with all this free time?
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[Oct. 23rd, 2010|12:20 am]
Cooking fun. )
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[Oct. 22nd, 2010|11:55 am]
Good morning, San Fransisco! I'm Joe the DJ, and I seriously am looking forward to next weekend more than what's probably healthy. Halloween is a kid's holiday mostly but the excuse to dress up and get wasted to hell while eating your weight in Three Muskateers? I say it's better than Christmas. My co worker said that I should go as an asshole but I wouldn't need a costume for that one. Ah well, I'll figure something out. Any suggestions?

Lamest intro ever but whatever, anyone can find me on aim at joserfs!
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[Oct. 20th, 2010|11:01 pm]
[Current Mood |awake]

Thank you Freddy Krueger, I may never sleep again… eek!!
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[Oct. 20th, 2010|01:29 pm]
Anybody else see the Scream 2010 awards last night? Vampires rule now I suppose. XD

Well, because of that, I decided to point out this video! )
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[Oct. 19th, 2010|10:17 pm]
Hello there ladies and gents! Hope everyone is doing good.

My name is Garrett. I'm actually from Georgia. Came down here because my wonderful job sent me. Apparently since I did what was needed to be done, I was awarded a similar job out here to stick with. So, here I am. Don't really know too many folks, so I thought I would try the whole internet scene. Not really sure what to say about myself, so I think I'll go for something I've tried before with work. As goofy as it is anyway.

Okay. Let's say you are about to make a totem pole in regards to yourself. Which of these would you choose to describe yourself? Click here for List )
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[Oct. 19th, 2010|11:17 am]
Tori helped me pick it out! )
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[Oct. 18th, 2010|05:23 pm]
For those that can handle my humor, who needs a good laugh? I know I do.

Click here... )
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[Oct. 18th, 2010|09:20 am]

“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”
-Albert Einstein

. . . . . .  And . . . . . . .

“Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
- Dr. Seuss

Two very brilliant men, from two very different world, with two very unique hair styles, whose two quotes I chose to live by.

Good morning.
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[Oct. 16th, 2010|11:40 pm]
How my mind works... )
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[Oct. 16th, 2010|10:13 pm]
This is what happens when your girlfriend wants to get back at you. )
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Good Morning Starshine, The Earth Says Hello. [Oct. 15th, 2010|11:24 pm]
[Current Mood |anxious]

My names Dylan, the two most important things you need to know about me are that I'm amazingly good with my hands and even better with food. If you call me a freak I'll say thank you, whereas if you call me normal I might deck ya. Shock value is worth more than any dollar you might find in my pocket.

This being said however, I kind of like to keep to myself, can't really tell ya why, I must be a pod person underneath all these holes in my face or something. I don't exactly know what it is I'm supposed to introduce you too, getting to know someone requires more than a few simple words on a page in my opinion.

If you want to find me you can follow your nose to DylanMorgan1984 I'm always around somewhere.

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[Oct. 16th, 2010|01:23 am]
At least he's honest, right? LOL. )
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[Oct. 15th, 2010|11:49 pm]
So I found a fun little game for all of us to play..10 questions )
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[Oct. 15th, 2010|11:56 pm]
For Tori... )
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[Oct. 15th, 2010|02:39 pm]
[Current Mood |dorky]

Photo booth.. )

We were out at the local mall on vacation after dinner and we couldn't resist the photobooth.
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[Oct. 15th, 2010|02:27 pm]
So, we promised Wyatt he could help us with names for the baby. We decided on some, but yet very unsure still. Here's what we have so far.

For Girls:

For Boys:

Wyatt's suggestions:


He's stuck on Misty...

Thats what we get for asking a 5 year old...
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[Oct. 14th, 2010|11:36 pm]
You know...I think I need a life. I mean, I am watching the news and with headlines like Investment Vultures Increase Pressure On Yahoo CEO, Suspect sought in Vallejo elderly woman's purse-snatching and Fairfield mom stabbed kids with sword I can't help but have that old Bedroom Intruder song from youtube get stuck in my head.

And then to find this as entertainment...I'm not quite sure how the Weekend Watch is :Suicide Attempts are 'Kind of' Funny?
Sometimes the french are so weird. )
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[Oct. 14th, 2010|10:54 pm]
Decided what the heck, Ill copy everyone else. )
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[Oct. 14th, 2010|10:35 pm]
Text to Skyler )
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[Oct. 14th, 2010|05:59 pm]
I changed my Spam image! Muwahaha! lol! So in the spirit of doing so and in the spirit of the upcoming holiday, I’m going to ask that you all pretty please SPAM ME with your favorite Halloween memory!
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[Oct. 14th, 2010|04:27 pm]
As much as I hate this, I might as well be laughed at too since I am enjoying some of the laughing. My pictures aren't as good, seeing as I'm scanning these out of books more then anything, but you get the gist of it. So...
Give me your best shot XD )
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[Oct. 14th, 2010|07:09 am]
[Current Mood |stressed]

Alright, it seems kind of fun to go down memory lane, so here’s some photos throughout the years.

Early Years )

Pre-Teen Years )

High School Years )

After High School )

Early Gospel Career Days )

Two Special People )
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[Oct. 14th, 2010|07:03 am]
When I first saw this ages ago I simply laughed, but now seeing it again as a father, I can honestly say, I will be this ridiculous for my daughter... )
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[Oct. 13th, 2010|10:10 am]

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[Oct. 13th, 2010|02:14 am]
Hello there. My name is Anna. I always feel so strange writing these things. I am actually a sports columnist, so yes, I am used to writing, and yes I am really a girl. It's just I never really know what to say about myself.

But, well, I'm a California native, just from southern Cali. I have three brothers. They are all scattered around southern Cali too. But I actually just moved back from New York. I went to school out there and had a job going there, but San Francisco was calling my name, so here I am.

If there's anything you would like to know about me, feel free to ask. I'm an open book. And I found this cute little questionnaire online, so why not use it here?

A is for age: 27
B is for beer of choice: Miller Lite
C is for career right now: Sports columnist at The Gate
D is for your dog's name: Currently without pets.
E is for essential item you use everyday: Toothbrush.
F is for favorite TV show: Sons of Anarchy
G is for favorite game to watch: Football
H is for hometown: Upland, CA
I is for instruments you play: Violin
J is for favorite juice: Cranapple because I'm crazy like that
K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking: The Saints for losing to the Cardinals and they were even using their backup quarterback.
L is for the last place you ate at: In my car.
M is for marriage: Not married.
N is for your name: Anna
O is for overnight hospital stay: I had scarlet fever as a kid.
P is for people you were with today: The cable guy came by today.
Q is for what your best quality is: I'm a giver.
R is for what you're currently reading: More like editing my article.
S is for what your relationship status: Single.
T is for the time you woke up today: 7a.m. and then I went for a run.
U is for type of underwear you have on: Pfft. Wouldn't you like to know perv ;)
V is for vegetable you love: Broccoli
W is for worst habit: Nervous laugh.
X is for x-rays you've had: Teeth, arms, legs, you name it. Something has been broken.
Y is for some candy: Cinnamon Bears!
Z is for zodiac sign: Scorpio
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[Oct. 12th, 2010|01:22 pm]
[Current Mood |happy]

Who: Tori & Skyler [ with a quick apperance from Jake]
Where: Skylers house
When: Tuesday Afternoon
What: Just Hanging out
Status: Pirvate/In progress.
Rating: NC-17 (just to be safe)

You asked for it.. )
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[Oct. 12th, 2010|04:14 am]
Private Text To Jesse )
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[Oct. 11th, 2010|10:32 pm]
[Current Mood |discontent]

I'm just in one of those Yuck moods.Anyone else? If so how do you get yourself out of them?
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[Oct. 11th, 2010|11:23 am]
[Current Mood |bored]

I found this funny.. )
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