Radio Station - September 4th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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September 4th, 2010

Married 2 Months! [Sep. 4th, 2010|07:18 am]
[Current Mood |[info]nikkis]

Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you, and so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam, the smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided, you're the one I have decided who's one of my kind

Hey soul sister, ain't the Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do...tonight

Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one-track mind like me
You gave my life direction, a game show love connection we can't deny
I'm so obsessed, my heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna, and I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind
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[Sep. 4th, 2010|09:12 pm]
[Current Mood |content]

Birds flying high, you know how I feel. Sun in the sky, you know how I feel. Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel. It's a new dawn, It's a new day, It's a new life for me, and I'm feeling good.
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