Alcatraz Island - April 26th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 26th, 2010

[Apr. 26th, 2010|12:26 am]


I'm thinking about moving this guy over here. Adam is an ordained minister and social worker who has a particular interest in working with kids. He's not your typical Bible thumper. He's socially and politically liberal and a closet smoker. He has a dark sense of humor and befriends atheists, and is even occasionally attracted to men. (gasp) He's dating [info]redfox, who may also post here in 5...4...3...2...

In my experience, religious characters in RP get about as much action as Perez Hilton at a Promise Keepers rally, but I've heard you have a priest here and that makes me tingle. I'd love co-workers, racquetball partners, siblings, cousins, ex-flings, clients, friends, etc. He especially makes a good friend because he will happily listen to your problems forever and would rather poke himself in the eye with a sharp stick than repeat what you said.

Bio here. Please let me know if any of this intrigues you. :-*
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[Apr. 26th, 2010|03:46 am]
I don't normally do this but heh I will this time around. This is Jesse. He'll be coming into the game soon. He's a mechanic that owns his own shop. He's currently dating Aurora Beckham. He has two kids and a dog named Pepper. He'll be living in a hotel until they find a house together. Jesse has been known to get into a little trouble. He tends to find trouble more often than not. He's always been a fan of cops even though he does at times knock them. Especially when he thinks they don't do their job correctly.

He's outspoken most times but does like to have fun and talk people especially his girlfriend into doing what he wants to do. He's up for any lines. His bios public if you want to read it. Jesse isn't one to speak of his family.
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sooo sick [Apr. 26th, 2010|01:14 pm]


hey guys, I'm super sick atm and it's the last week of school before finals. I am pretty sure I owe a tag to Harmony's there anyone I am missing? Please let me know if I owe you a tag!!

I'm going to TRY not to go on hiatus, but I make no promises right now :(
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