S A N C T I F Y (Out of Character)'s Journal
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Monday, July 21st, 2008

    Time Event
    Hii. Psylocke (Betsy) & Magik (Illyana) here...

    My internet is gone...I will probably be able to only post from work until someone decides to stop being lazy and call AT&T...so yah. n_n

    Bare with me!
    Parents don't listen. And "But I'm gonna miss RPing for a week!" isn't an accepted excuse anymore. Such a shame.

    Anyway, I'm being taken away for a week. I'm leaving tomorrow, so I'll be around all day today. I might or might not have Internet access, so I'll be playing it by ear. I'll be back on the 29th!

    Try not to have too much fun without me!

    - Janae (Mirage, Blink, Quicksilver)

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