S A N C T I F Y (Out of Character)'s Journal
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Friday, July 18th, 2008

    Time Event
    a late introducton to...

    hola. this is jordan again, i also play meggan. i brought sunspot into the storyline a couple days ago and have already got him in a few threads! however, he definitely needs some major plottage points, please!

    sunspot is an all around good guy. he is a good soldier and is serious when training. however, that is the ONLY time he is serious. otherwise, roberto da costa is a big joker. he likes to prank, gamble, lie (only if it doesn't hurt anyone... that he likes), and enjoys just goofing off and taking the lighter more optimistic sides to everything. he was brought into the facility the year it opened, he was age 4 which makes him 22 now. his closest friends are paige and samuel guthrie, and allison crestmere. or well back in the day they were. things got weird with sam when berto kissed him during a competition they had, when they were placed against eachother as a sort of test for a 'who should get field leader' spot. oh and he is still currently a soldier.

    thats about it.
    he's sexy and brazillian and may or may NOT be gay.

    have at it with the plottage, darlings!
    [and my other character, meggan still needs major plottage to!]

    let the plottage/comments begin!

    Hey, guys! I know - I'm always talking. Anyway, I have another little note I'd like to say.

    The Timeline is finished! Well, the rough draft at least, but you can't have a rough draft until you have the first draft! Teehee. So, I would appreciate it if everyone could hop on over to that link and take a look at it and make sure that your character's information is correct and make sure that there's nothing you would like to add.

    There are a few places where I say something along the lines of "and such and such happens some time later." If that 'some time later' that I mention happens in a different year, let me know! I just was unclear about it based on your bio and whatnot. Notes that I could easily add but most people didn't put into their bios was the year they got put onto the field and/or the year they got moved to field training.

    Want me to add something? Just comment here or there. Either works. See a mistake? Same deal. Or, you can nudge me on AIM. That works too.

    Characters that need to take a gander at the timeline in particular:


    Don't worry; you're not in trouble. I just... got confused, and went with my gut or left things out just because I was completely and utterly off kilter. So, just go doublecheck that I did everything okie-dokie. Unless your Xavier. Cause then, yeah, y'know, I gots nothing (you lazy mo'-fo'! Just kidding. <3)

    Lots of love. <33


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