S A N C T I F Y (Out of Character)'s Journal
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Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

    Time Event
    Paige in the hizz-house!
    Ok, so, Hi! I'm Breanna, or Bre. After weeks and weeks of J and Leigh badgering me, I finally joined this wonderful game! It's my first time really doing a journal SL, so, stick with me! It's also my first time playing Paige. =]

    But, I'm willing to play with anyone. I'm playing Paige as the rebellious Soldier, the one who always pushes the rules and just doesn't care anymore. So, anyone interested in being a friend, lover, rival, enemy, or any other random person can just start a thread, and I'll be certain to apply. Or, you can IM me at xsinpiudolce. If I'm online, I'm usually willing to play. =]
    "BRING OUT YOUR... whores!?"
    Yet again this is Leigh Ann! I am hear to tell you all about the fantasticalness that is Miss Emma Frost [srsly... we all know I needed something to balance out the disgusting cuteness of Sam and Tandy. lol]. While I could go in depth the English language actually has a word to describe Diamond: B I T C H . Surely it will come to light sooner or later that really she's just come scared and confused female trying to deal with her own insecurities by taking them out on others and manipulating those around her for her own benefit.

    PSYCHE! -maniacal laughter-

    But yeah Ems is a Soldier but doesn't like to get her hands dirty and is an Electronics Advisor for the Psi Department. Didn't know the Facility had one of those? Well, yeah it does. What is it's purpose? Highly classified. Most of the time she doesn't even know what the purpose of what she is doing. But don't count her out on a mission. Alpha level telepath with a secondary mutation that involves a little some I like to call... ORGANIC DIAMOND FORM! BAYUM!

    You know those girls in highschool that had their name drawn all over the bathroom stalls in Sharpie with a giant arrow pointed at it that read "is a slut!" or perhaps "went down on Ryan Greeley in the back row of the auditorium" or maybe even "is a whorefaced bitchass cocksucker?" Yeah... Emma is that girl. [No, I'm not looking for people to partake in AdultRP with me here... I'm simply explaining my loverly charrie. ^.^]

    But yeah. That about sums it all up: Diamond. Soldier. Bitch. Electronics Advisor. Whore.

    So yeah- if any one if up for plotting or playing or just talking about how they should have finished the Emma Frost series because Greg Horn is an awesome artist? Hit me upz on teh AIMZ. Oh and yeah... it's 10 am and I didn't sleep last night... so yeeeeah. It's safe to say I'm a little out of it. Bah ha ha.

    <3 Leigh
    [& Cannonball & Dagger & Diamond. Well not Diamond, she hates you! :P]
    Heya! Would anyone like to be my best friend ever and manip me some icons of Christina Ricci with pink skin and green eyes? I can do the face markings myself. PRETTY PLEASE???????

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