S A N C T I F Y (Out of Character)'s Journal
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Monday, July 14th, 2008

    Time Event
    A few things to note =)
    A) We have a new wanted page... which is specific, in the fact that they're not who the mods want to see, they're who YOU want to see. You can find the page somewhere on our journal. I was going to link ya'll. But.. yeah. x_x

    B) Purging may commence soon! We think bi-monthly would be great. Note, to not get a warning of being purged, you must do something. Preferably, something IC =) We still have some butterflies still yet to post. They still have a week to do, before we contact you, and ask whats up. Point is simple. We have a limited amount of spots, so the full utilization of those spots is crucial. Fair enough, right?

    C) I think thats it.... OH! YEAH! I REMEMBER.

    C)* Please remind yourself to post your contact info on the contact page, if it isn't there already! Interaction is another thing that is crucial, and if us mods can't reach you within the bi monthly purge, we'll have no motive to contact you. Some of you posted it in your intros, which we catch -- but don't rely on us to catch them! Please just post them on that page. Reasonable enough, right?
    Wow...so I totally fail at this. I just realized I didn't intro Quicksilver! *facepalm*

    He is an escapee, currently working as a journalist. Of course he has his lovely twin sister Wanda on the outside with him. And weirdly enough, the clone of his dad. Go figure. Anyway, he was a rather diligent soldier when he was in the facility and yet found the opportunity at freedom a bit too tempting.

    If you want to plot with Pietro, you know where to find me! AIM me or just drop a comment :)

    It's pretty obvious that I'm new here. The name is Hailey, and I've brought it Kitty Pryde, otherwise known as Shadowcat! She's a good little soldier, and she's probably friendly to everyone, so if you'd like to interact with her or have a plot suggestion with her, or even if you just feel like bugging me--have at it.

    You can reach me on AIM at: eveningread at any time usually. I hope to get in some good RPing!


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