S A N C T I F Y (Out of Character)'s Journal
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Saturday, July 12th, 2008

    Time Event
    Greetings, everyone.

    This is simply a message, letting you all know the NEW - CAST - PAGE !!!! Is indeed up. Please take a gander, and make sure the information is indeed accurate, and if not feel free to say so here.

    I'd like to thank KAYE all alround. Not only did she help us make some graphics, do the HTML, and make it accessable to us, but she has also been there to remind a few people ( whom may have forgotten ) just the why's and how's of the whole posting experience. She's really been an excellent member to our game ( AS A LOT OF YOU HAVE, DON'T GET US WRONG ) but she goes the extra mile in our eyes :)

    So, feel free to a) leave a comment if theres a boo-boo. or b) thank Kaye for being an awesome, fantabulous soul :)

    And Oh!
    More adds will commence tonight, so more people will be posted =)


    Thanks ya'll! <3333

    The Mods.
    Bwahaha! Time for me (that'd be Rae, yeah) to inflict you all with someone shiny and obnoxious.

    Everyone meet Calvin Rankin, aka Mimic. He's an escapee, having managed to flee the facility during the explosion. It wasn't his first attempt, so apparently, practice makes perfect. xD Currently, he's working nights as a bartender, and trying to keep a low profile. He'd be open to any sort of interaction, and eventually, I'd like to see him wander away to Xavier's with the rest of his runaway friendlies.

    Plot? You know you wanna. Hit me up!!!
    Every time you turn around, I'm doing another one of these introduction things! I know, I know, I need to stop. But it's just far too much fun.


    Well, here is my third character Hulkling, also known as Theodore Altman or Teddy. He usually goes by Teddy, so yeah. Anyway~ He's a sweetheart, really, and really nice (and sexy! Look at the icon, man!) Ahem. Let's see... his history is a little confusing, but to put it simply... He is the child of two former mutants within the facility, except that his birth wasn't exactly planned which made the higher ups be like, "EEP. MUST KEEP SECRET." So, even though his real name is 'Dorrek VIII', he's got a whole file on him as being 'Theodore Altman' instead. Which is all a cover up.

    Oh, governments and their odd cover ups.

    Well, he's out of the facility now and works for a construction company mostly doing all of the heavy lifting and whatnot. So, it'll be quite easy to see him out and about at construction sites and whatnot. OH. And random little quip about Teddy - He had a crush on Bruce Banner when he was younger. Hehe. Isn't that cute!? I'm a genius! Hulkling had a crush on The Hulk! Awwww...


    Anyway, I am always up for an IM, as you all know, so if anybody is interested in hitting me up for an RP, you can find me at JabberwockyHakke. I'm almost always free (and bored) so I BEG for RPs, please!

    OH. And I keep forgetting to say this little quip about me: I so, so, so prefer logs. They are... amazing and fun and much faster paced than threads. So, if anybody else is an RP Log Whore like me, give me a buzz! Pretty please? With sugar on top?

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