S A N C T I F Y (Out of Character)'s Journal
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Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

    Time Event

    I bring the oh so tall, dark, and handsome mysterious Cloak - also known as Tyrone Johnson. He has.. the POWERS OF DARKNESSS. -cough- Ahem. Well, he does. Anyway... He's just a barrel of yummy angstyness because not only did his powers kinda screw him up physically - he's intangible, kinda doesn't have a body unless he concentrates or gets enough light to saturate him temporarily - but they also kinda screwed him up royally personality wise as well. His powers kinda make him 'hunger' for the 'light' of people's hearts, and he can get driven insane by this hunger if his appetite isn't appeased. Luckily! We have a Dagger here to prevent that.

    And on top of all that good angstyness, because the scientists realized what a danger he could be to the other soldiers as well as noticing his physical deformity, he's been locked up in his cell for TWELVE YEARS. So, he didn't know any of the other soldiers at all. Except for Tandy, who would sometimes share the cell next to his and they would share stories and talk and stuff. And it made him happy! Now, though, he's been released from isolation because of the break out three weeks ago, and he's all shy (in his own intimidating dark way). So, he's sticking by Dagger's side because he loves her she's his bestest friend.

    So, I'm up for logging and/or threading anytime. Tyrone is being kinda antisocial right now, but I don't mind people poking and prodding him.

    You all know where to find me. Or, if you don't, you can hit me up at JabberwockyHakke. Talk to me whenever!

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