S A N C T I F Y (Out of Character)'s Journal
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Sunday, July 6th, 2008

    Time Event
    Hello everyone, I'm Vari and I've got Madelyne Pryor. She's a solider, field agent and incrediably loyal to the facility. Dr. Essex is a bit of a father figure to her, whether or not he realizes that, and in her mind the escapees are nothing less than traitors to be hunted down. She's not always nice, but you do always know where you stand with her. More on X1 - 1190 can be found in her bio.

    Following the break out she's been confined to the facility. Not because she tried to escape, but because she was a little, ah, upset over the news that her "twin" Jean Grey was among the escapees. Since the facility would probably like Jean back alive, Madelyne's being closely monitored and so is desperate need for a good chess partner to keep her mind off things. Any other plots or storylines feel free to ping on AIM as tawnyeyedesire or just leave a comment to the storyline post in her journal. I look foreward to getting a chance to play with you all!

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Hihi! I'm Leigh G.
    I'm turning twenty in 5 days and as far as occupation goes I'm just your regular lame piercing apprentice/part-time shoe store clerk. Which really if you think about it isn't that run of the mill. haha. It's okay though because it gives me lots of time to read comic books and do arts and crafts, because I'm just a big nerd and an even bigger geek.

    Anywhoozles... I play both Dagger and Cannonball. Dagger is a Soldier who even though her mentality is a little twisted on life itself, she is pretty content with the situation she finds herself trapped in... especially now that she is training to be a field agent since the break out occured. You can't get much sweeter than this introverted [and slightly crazed] girl here.
    On the other hand there in Sam. He had been training to be a field leader, something he had always strived for, when the break out occured and he simply seized the chance to escape on a whim [CAPRE DEEZ NUTS!] and now isn't so sure if it was the right choice or not. But life shall go on... we'll just see how long he lasts in the "real world."

    Both are looking for friends and possibly even enemies. ^.^

    The easiest way to reach me is through my main AIM SN- nzumbeLOVE. But I'm often also on sounding screams, babeRICOCHETTT, NeopteraMantodea, or fugginZOMBIEdogs. [all but the last one are also @aol.com e-mail addresses you can reach me at... but once more nzumbeLOVE is my main one.] I'm known to SN hop if I grow bored and have nothing to do, so that's why I'm posting all of these up here in case any one is ever that desperate to get in touch with me. heh.

    I'm so behind~

    Hi all! I'm Kalia. I'm new to all of this so be patient and nice with me please. I'm in my senior year of High School..probably the youngest one around here...and my major is Graphic Designing and Vocal music at my school. I go to one of those artsy schools...
    I'd love to get to know everyone and make new friends, come up with some plots and all that fun stuff. I could make a new screen name for Betsy but for now you can reach me on AIM at candid eris, or e-mail me at candideris@aol.com. I can't wait until I get to know more people!! =D

    But anyway, I play Ms. Elizabeth Braddock, or the psychic better known as Psylocke. Her occupation in this story is a model, so hopefully Dr. Essex and other soilders won't be able to find her that easily. Though she does stay at the loft with Charles Xavier and the other escapee's. Betsy can be a smartass at times, but she still is great to get along with, an d fun to be around at times. She wants a lot of friends, and hopes one day that the current Soldiers will give up that life to live normally, so that they could all get a long too. A humanitarian? Not quite, she just isn't a big fan of the whole "super soldier" project.

    But because she lives in reality, and is smarter than that, and knows that won't happen so easily, she lives life carefree, going around taking photos, and modeling. She enjoys the fashion world, but it's not her life. Maybe one of her hobbies, a natural talent.

    She doesn't ignore the fact that she has powerful psychic abilities though. When using them she's careful. She takes her abilities into great consideration now-a-days and she tries to use them when only necessary.

    Aside from all of that...she's sugar and spice and everything nice. Which side will you get to see?


    Let the madness begin. :)

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