S A N C T I F Y (Out of Character)'s Journal
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Monday, June 30th, 2008

    Time Event
    Hey, all!

    I'm Kaye, and I bring everybody's favorite little firecracker, Jubilee. She's an escapee, and even when she was a soldier... she didn't really listen very well. She's spunky and funny and just your normal all Jubes all around. You can find all of that good profile information over here.

    I'm always up for plottage or chatting, so don't feel afraid to hit me up on AIM at JabberwockyHakke. Jubilee has lived in the facility her entire life (until recently), so I'm sure - if you were at least a SEMI free bird - she at least knew of you.

    I'm on almost all the time when I'm not busy, which I do find myself from time to time. My work schedule is pretty much irregular, so there's no real way to prepare for that when it shows up. So, if you see me on, feel free to try me, see if I'm there. Even if I'm not, when I get the message, I will make it my personal goal to get back to you!

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