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[30 Aug 2014|09:02pm]

In a typical war, as the darkness falls and day comes to an end, there is a cease fire. Both sides recognize that there is a time for rest, a time for worship, a time for refueling and sustenance. Somehow, there is an irony to it. When the sun rises in the morning, no matter who cast the first stone in such a battle, no matter who are the murderers are, nor the victims, nor who the true antagonists, both will pick up their weapons to fight until a victor is crowned. But for a few hours, as the quiet of night settles in, there is peace. There is silence. There is rest. As calm and soundless as the wave of death’s hand itself. There are no such moments in a war against demons.

The walls of Bastian’s Keep shook so violently that the very stones that held her together shifted, sending bits of rubble, powder and pebbles floating to the straw strewn floor, dusting the heads of soldiers, nephalem, women, children and wounded alike. Yet another demon spawn, explosion, siege weapon- it was hard to tell any more what caused the quakes. Jhaxel raised his head toward the ceiling, narrowing his eyes, the brim of his dark black hood hanging low. He held onto his crossbow tightly and pursed his pale lips, sitting propped up in a corner. The demon hunter was worn from battle, weak from fasting, his armor tattered but generally in much better condition than those being tended to by the monks and crusaders. No, he still maintained all four limbs. His wounds were mere bumps, bruises and surface scratches- easily cleared with a healing potion. Honestly, he couldn’t blame the healers for any neglect.

It was his faltering vision and the unsteadiness of his mind that concerned him most now. In his exhaustion he barely had the will to call for food or water. How long had he been sitting there? Hours? Days? There was no way to be sure anymore. Only that he’d come to find that he suddenly could not speak and certainly couldn’t not walk. He knew for a fact that he were seeing things that could not possibly be there. And hearing voices... voices...

“The things I’ll do to you...” Such terrible laughter.

[24 Sep 2013|01:13am]

Who: Jhaxyel, Dominya, Zha'Draix and Droga.
What: Meeting in Bastian's Keep.
When: After Belial has been defeated.
Where: Bastian's Keep.
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed / Incomplete

But now, no it was the Nephalem ancestors of the children of Demons and Angels who have been given the task of saving the men of this world from the evils of Azmodan and Diablo. )

[21 Sep 2013|10:16pm]





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