March 25th, 2008

[info]writerzilch in [info]saiyuki_yaoi

[FIC] "One Night in Bangkok", Hakkai/Gojyo AU

Title: One Night in Bangkok
Author: [info]writerzilch
Pairing: Hakkai/Gojyo
Rating: R
Summary: The rain gods have seen fit to bless, apparently, because the guy who walks in has 'easy mark' stamped all over him.
Notes: This was only supposed to be a comment-drabble for a friend on LJ, but her prompt bunnied me so freaking hard that it turned into... this. Whatever this is.

The prompt was "Hakkai/Gojyo AU - in a bar in a city overseas, Gojyo's a roving gambler, Hakkai a local poor intellectual who's just come in soaked from the rain."

Crossposted all over the durned internets.

(One Night in Bangkok)