September 2009

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August 3rd, 2008

[info]gusty in [info]saimono_luv

[FIC] Bloom, part one. (Kouyuu centric, possible eventual You Shuu/Kouyuu)

Story Title: Bloom.
Chapter Title: Seedling.
Summary: Before a flower can blossom, it goes through various stages of growth. PG-13ish.
Pairing: Eventual You Shuu/Kouyuu. Probably. Possibly. Maybe. Crap. This chapter, however, only features chibi!Kouyuu.
Notes: [info]mitsuhachi came to my aid with an awesome You Shuu/Kouyuu prompt to help my over my block writing these two. About 800 words in and with no end anywhere in sight, I decided to stop writing that story for a while so I could work on something short – the plan was to actually write and finish something, after all ^_^. As a result, I turned to a challenge community for inspiration and a second plot bunny was born that I was sure would clock in easily under 1000 words. Somewhere along the way it morphed into a four or five chapter story, which the potential You Shuu/Kouyuu way off in the distance. I officially suck.
Warning: The entire story is meant to encompass as many of the themes over at [info]30_darkfics as possible. I’m not going to warn for individual dark themes because the story is only going to be about 4 chapters long so each one with incorporate quite a few at a time. That said, this is easily the darkest of the chapters. Be warned?
Spoiler warnings: Spoilers like whoa for volume 13 of the novels and Kouyuu’s back story. Certain elements are also taken from the gaiden story that deals with the first few months after Kouyuu is adopted by Reishin, and a lot is just me playing with different ideas that didn’t happen at all. Kouyuu’s back story in the novel is completely different to the anime and CD drama, FYI.

FIC: Bloom//Seedling )