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Dec. 6th, 2009


Text to Romana


We need to talk. NOW. I'm on my way over. you better be home.

Nov. 15th, 2009


Three Texts

Text to: Ian Moon
From: Lacey Harkness

You need to meet me at the dorm. We need to talk. I...I have something I need to tell you.

Text To: Jake Simmonds and Max
From: Lacey Harkness

I'm moving out of the dorms. I'm...I'm leaving Ian. I need morale support and help packing what little crap I still have left here. Please? I'll make it up to you guys.

Nov. 13th, 2009


Tex Message to Romana


Went to Disney World got you some Crap, plus want details on your date. And don't even try to tell me it wasn't a date, the little snot along or not, that was a date!

Also, there may or may not have been more drama yesterday which may or may not lead to the Doctor getting refresher courses in driving. I'll tell you EVERYTHING!


Text message to Alex O'Connell

Hey nerd, i went to Disney World with Lacey yesterday. It's a theme park, we'll take you sometime. Anyway, i got you something. Oh and, i know something you don't know! Neh neh :P

Nov. 10th, 2009


Text To: Tessa Dawson
From: Unknown Number

OMG. These guys have to be the worst kidnappers ever!!! Seriously. Handcuffs, and not even good ones. I'm bored...have they even found the ransom note?! It's been THREE HOURS!

Btw, It's Lace. I'm using one of their damn phones. Cause you know. I don't have MINE. Stupid bastards. Leave rope just lying around, but use really bad handcuffs to hold the hostage.


Text to: Spike
From: Tavish Harkness

Hey, I really need to speak to you. Can you make it to Jitters anytime soon?

Nov. 4th, 2009


Two Texts

Text to: Andrew Halliwell and Betty Cooper
From: Lacey Harkness

Guys, don't worry if you can't use the shower for like three hours or so. I'm just gonna need it.

Text to Ian Moon
From: Lacey Harkness

Oh...oh god...Ian...I need you. If you're not at the dorm, please, get there? I was awful, Ian.

Nov. 3rd, 2009


Text to the Family

Group text to: Jack Harkness, Lacey Harkness, and Ianto Jones.

To the family. )

Text to Jack:

Hey big brother )

Nov. 2nd, 2009


Text message to Kaylee

Kaylee!! Guess what!? I got kissed!

Oct. 27th, 2009


Voicemail Messages (backdated to the night Rose comes back)

To: Jackie, Pete & Tony Tyler. Lacey Harkness, Owen Harper, Mickey Smith, Luke Simmonds, Gwen Cooper, John Noble, Martha Jones.

Only at Torchwood! If you'd all be so kind to come to the Hub, i do believe there's someone here you'd all very much like to see, up and walking around no less. Well, actually last i saw her, she was waltzing, badly.

~ Jack

Oct. 24th, 2009


Phone call with Saxon (backdated to Tavish's regen)

Once everyone was situated and he had had a chance to sit down with Ianto, have a bit of a cry, changed out of his bloody clothes and set up the murder of a bunch of confused children in secret, Jack knew he had to call Saxon. Of course, he was dreading this. The last thing he wanted to have was a Time Lord flying off the handle, especially since he himself felt that he had already flown off the handle by setting up the in jail "accidents" that would befall Tavish's killers tonight. They deserved it, he knew this. But he had just used a very dark part of himself to do set such a thing up, using contacts he hadn't used in years. This is a part of him his family would never see, not even Ianto, who knew very well that he was capable of being a monster.

With a sigh he stood in the den of the now quiet house, everyone else having retired to their rooms. He pulled out his cell and dialed Saxon's number, listening to the ringing on the end of the line while he waited for the other man to pick up the call.

Oct. 20th, 2009


Text message to Rick O'Connell

Rick, i was wondering if you could possibly do me a huge favor. I was suppose to get Tessa from school but we lost our friend Rose today on a field mission and i have to stay at work, i know it's unfair to ask but do you think you could possibly pick her up and let her hang around for a bit longer? Thanks.

~ Jack


Phone call to Martha Jones

Jack stood next to the exam table where Rose's body was, his phone pressed against his ear. He looked up the small fight of stairs, watching the two men hold each other. He sighed, turning away from them as he waited for Martha to pick up her cell phone.

Oct. 17th, 2009


Text To: John Noble
From: Lacey

Oh god. John...she's dead. Rose is dead. We couldn't...she's gone, John, she's gone. I'm sorry. She's gone. Tell me it's dream. We were watching Where the Wild Things Are at midnight. We fell asleep. Tell me it was all a dream and I'm gonna wake up and it will all right.


Text message to Frankie

I cannot take it, my god! She's dead, Rose is dead. How can i deal?
I... i need you. I'm by the lake, please.


To: Rick O'Connell
From: Romana

Rain check? Looks like i won't be able to take that trip with this weekend, my friend, you know, the loud one from the party? One of her very close friends just died this morning, looks like i'll be busy for the next few days. I'm sorry.


Text to: Romana
From: Lacey

I can't do this. I can't fucking do this anymore. First my Tad, then my little fucking brother, and now Rose. She's dead, she's fucking dead, and I cannot bloody go through this again. Everything I touch dies around me.

Get over here before one of us does something we'll regret. At Owen's *leaves address*. Just hurry the fuck up cause it's getting to the point where I just can't anymore.

Oct. 16th, 2009


Text to: Rhys Williams
From: Gwen Cooper

Everything hit the fan again, love, please put on a pot of coffee and make some breakfast? I'm bringing Mickey and Jake home, they're distraught. Be there as soon as I drop Owen off at the hospital.

Oct. 17th, 2009


Text message of doom.

To: Jackie Tyler, Pete Tyler, Tony Tyler, The Master & The Doctor.

Come to Jitters, it's an emergency.

~ Jack

Oct. 14th, 2009


Tex Message to the Danger Trio

To: Owen Harper and Rose Tyler
From: Lacey Harkness

Hey guys, managed to score some tics to the Midnight show of Where the Wild Things Are. Three of them. Whatcha say? Three of us, dinner and movie? :D :D :D


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