RS Games 2009
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Saturday, October 31st, 2009

    Time Event
    Day 31 - Fic and Art
    Team AU
    Title/Link: Under The Indigo Moon
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: AU, PWP, strong dub-con, mild beatality, Padfoot/Moony, song! Fic (well part of one) Harry/Draco
    Genre: romance, slight angst, bit if humour
    Word Count: 1690
    Summary: Remus has become immune to the Wolfbane potion. With Harry and Draco’s help Remus learns how to control his beast.

    Title/Link: Soothing Universe
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: There's not a single illustration but a whole comic strip (13 pages) and it's not dial-up friendly. The link leads to the website - if not working, the images are uploaded behind the cut.
    Genre: Hurt/comfort
    Summary: Remus's a rebel (and really small) teenager who can't bear authority. After leaving Hogwarts, he spent a year under Lily Snape's care until the Ministry decided that Sirius Black would be the only one who could make any progress with the teenager's little... furry problem.
    Notes: A lot of thanks to my beloved beta CC. The whole comic strip was born because of her, and I dedicate it to her.
    Prompt: Green: Picture

    Team Canon
    Title/Link: And Many Happy Returns
    Rating: Hard R
    Warnings: oral sex, masturbation
    Genre: Drama, Romance
    Word Count: ~5,223
    Summary: Sirius has a choice to make, his love for Remus tips the scales.
    Prompt: Pink: Sexuality/Love
    Author’s Note: Boy did this not want to get written. I managed to bludgeon it into submission with the help of my betas B and A. Thank you ladies so very much. According to the lexicon, Sirius leaves home first, and then the Prank happens. This takes place before all of that.

    Title/Link: The Untold Truth of Their Happiness
    Rating: G
    Warnings: none
    Genre: fluff/romance? (it's art)
    Media: Mixed - paper collage, pen and ink, watercolor, gouache
    Prompt: Color: yellow-words-happiness!

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