RS Games 2009
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Friday, October 9th, 2009

    Time Event
    Day 9 - Fic: Team AU: Winter Song
    Team: Team AU
    Title: Winter Song
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: includes thoughts of suicide
    Genre: hurt/comfort, angst/drama
    Word Count: ~7500
    Summary: “You’ve already done everything you can. You’ve done more than you should have, really.” Remus watched as Sirius stepped over to the desk, picked up a pencil and began playing with it. Nervously, Remus dug his nails into the palms of his hands and added, “Plus, it’s really not that bad.”

    “Rubbish, Remus.” Sirius snapped the pencil he was holding in two and flung the halves into their garbage can before continuing, “Do you really think that you can get away with saying that? How long have we known each other?”

    “You’re right.” Remus sighed and dug his nails harder into his palms, so much so that they began to bleed slightly. “So it is pretty bad. But there’s nothing you can do about it, unfortunately.”
    Prompt: Orange/Healing; Understanding

    Winter Song
    Day 9 - Fic: Team Canon: Whatever you want
    Team: Team Canon
    Title: Whatever you want
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, mild bondage, explicit sex, rimming.
    Genre: Drama, Romance.
    Word Count: ~4200
    Summary: In which Remus is much too reserved, the answer to one’s relationship problems can be found in Soho, and shepherds know fuck all about werewolves.
    Prompt: Orange/Image

    Whatever you want

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