RS Games 2009
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Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

    Time Event
    DAY 6 - Fic: Team Canon: Title: Moonlight Sonata
    Team: Canon.
    Title: Moonlight Sonata
    Rating: PG-13.
    Warnings: I suppose the only thing I see that should be warned for is heavy angst, h/c and a tad bit of fluff.
    Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort and Romance.
    Word Count: 4,744
    Summary: Cooped up at Grimmauld place, Sirius becomes more and more shut off from the rest of the world. In a desperate attempt to cheer him up, repair their quickly deteriorating friendship, and perhaps finish what they had started many years ago, Remus takes Sirius to a very special place...
    Prompt: Yellow/Picture

    Moonlight Sonata
    DAY 6 - Fic: Team AU: Title Les Yeux du Loup (The Eyes of the Wolf)
    Team: AU
    Title: Les Yeux du Loup (The Eyes of the Wolf)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Swearing (young men & crusty Aurors will swear); mutual wanking; oral & anal sex; character death mentioned, though not shown. Alastor Moody says there’s something nigh on to bestiality in this, but that’s up to you to decide.
    Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort
    Word Count: I pushed the limit: 39,127 words (give or take a word or two)
    Summary: An ancient spell robs Remus of his human mind and memory, leaving only the wolf. Can Sirius help him find his way back to his humanity?
    Prompt: Turquoise Picture prompt—Van Gogh’s Bedroom in Arles

    Les Yeux du Loup (The Eyes of the Wolf)
    DAY 6 - Art: Team Canon: Title: echoing around me
    Team: CANON
    Title: echoing around me
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: See genre
    Genre: Angst
    Medium: Photoshop
    Summary: Everywhere is empty when the fullest part of your life has been locked away.
    Prompt: Turquoise + Poem

    echoing around me
    DAY 6 - Art: Team AU: Title: The one thing he didn't forget ...
    Title: The one thing he didn't forget ...
    Warning(s): Extreme AU, hurtful bits of history.
    A/N:My scanner hates me and I apologize for the crappy lighting that I was forced to use when I took the pictures of this. One is lighted with the flash, the other isn't, and I hope (that if you squint your eyes) you'll be able to see all the little details ... even though the shading isn't as visible as I'd have liked. Thanks to the dork who gave me the idea for this in the first place and the awesome AU mods who humoured me and my inane questions :)
    Prompt: Red: Poem "If you forget me."

    The one thing he didn't forget ...

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