Monday, November 29th, 2010

[info]enamoured's Wish List:

1. More people to icon! I have an icon community, [info]liquidturkey. I like making icons, and I'm more than willing to make them for people if/when they ask. My only caveat with that is that you provide me with a link to specific pictures and/or a photo gallery because going through Google Images to look for pictures can be taxing.

2. This one line. I play [info]bingsley at [info]thewizards, and her premade is the Jessie, and I'd love love lavh love to have The Hercules finally. PB does not matter, all I know is I don't want the line to be insta-OMG THE HOT GUY NOTICED ME HERE ARE OUR PROBLEMS, because that's boring and I like conflict because it makes whatever happens if/when something more occurs it's that much sweeter. Yeah! I'd like that.

3. This other line. "The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door." Take that and (if you feel inclined) this thread starter and go from there. What happens next? I think this originally started off with the person who knocks (the knocker?) being a Bad Guy in some way (vampire, succubus/incubus, infected with some horrible disease, that sort of thing), but if it's just another stranded human who is in need of surviving then I'd love to work with that as well.

4. A nice, cool-looking Bloggish layout for [info]liquidturkey. Maybe something blue! With a tag menu on the side! (Seriously, I wish IJ had Flexible Squares, SO MANY LAYOUTS I CANNOT USE.)

5. Other people's character mixes. Because I love new music and learning about other people's characters through the music that their writers feel defines them or what their writers think their characters like listening to.
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