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[21 Dec 2010|12:44am]
Hey there! I play Kendra Dumbledore at [info]lockewoodmods, a time displacement game with just HP characters. It's a friendly place, and my wish is for the full set of Dumbledores. We have Albus and Ariana as well, but would love an Aberforth and Percival to join us for dysfunctional family fun.

Aberforth is needed by his little sister Ariana who misses him very much. There are goats to be tended after all. And someone has to knock Mama Dumbledore off her pedestal, right?

Percival is needed to rock the entire family in general, all of them far too use to the man being in jail or dead. Kendra has found great freedom in being a widow and Albus could always use a bit more guilt by the man being around.

Neither of these characters would be constrained by a ship or past in game portrayals.

But that is my rpwish this year!
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Fred & George Weasley! [21 Dec 2010|12:05pm]
Hello! I've got Alicia Spinnet over at [info]dogdaysmod and she, along with Katie, Angelina, the other Weasley's in the game and pretty much everyone would LOVE to have the twins around. [info]dogdaysmod is going strong and is loads of fun! So check it out :)
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[21 Dec 2010|05:24pm]
I would love for some more country folks to come over to [info]velvetmod to keep Laura Bell company. She's a bit lonely over there right now, and friends would be very much appreciated.

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[21 Dec 2010|09:25pm]
Dear wonderful people, I would adore some more people to come across to [info]heavenandhell. It is set in current day and is an original supernatural game. It is based around a war between Heaven and Hell that has been going on for nearly 2000 years. Available charaters to play are Angels, Humans, Demons and Cambions etc (for more information please see the mod journal). We're hoping to open Jan 15, but would love some more people there before then!
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