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[18 Dec 2010|12:15am]

I have two wishes, one is that [info]tybixby would come back to life because I miss these two so terribly.

and a PSL where the person doesn't flake out on me. I just hope for one of those two wishes to come true. :)
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[18 Dec 2010|12:48am]
Looking for an Eighth Doctor over at [info]colligomods to play with Charley. Or possibly a Ninth Doctor to play with Donna Noble at the same game.

Always looking for someone to be Dorcas Meadowes BFF over at [info]roadmaps. This game is so frickin amazing, seriously. Come join.

Also just because we really need one? An Eric Balfour over to [info]sheriffmod to play with [info]reluctance and [info]feelnothing because who doesn't love Haven?
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[18 Dec 2010|01:40am]
Dear Santa, please bring me even more awesome characters to add to the rosters at [info - personal] eligeremod! We're re-opening on a new host right after Christmas and while the people we have now are really freaking awesome, I'd really love to see some more awesome peeps!
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[18 Dec 2010|04:30am]
I'm taking him to [info]oldharbor and all he wants for Christmas is Matt Sanders to come along as his boyfriend! Zach has been trying to be a good boy all year, and is even leaving some potcake and JD for Santa ;)

Zach's an ex-soldier, only recently home from Iraq and now he runs his own little pizza dive in Boston! No flakes, please.
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[18 Dec 2010|06:30pm]
Normally I wouldn't post again, but since this just struck now...

I'm looking for someone to bring in Scotty Valens from the show Cold Case for the Lilly Rush over at [info]chaosunraveled. I'm not looking to play them as a couple, but as partners, and friends in a rather screwed up and chaotic setting.

Seriously, I will love you, and even make icons for anyone who does pick him up.
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