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[04 Dec 2010|12:29am]
I'll be honest, all I want for Christmas is a good supernatural psl. Not show based, but something with magic and a whole new world for us to explore.

Bonus points if it has werewolves in it (I go through these phases, you see) and Zachary Levi as a werewolf.
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[04 Dec 2010|03:37am]
All I want for Christmas is some more active storylines! Specifically with these faces:
Mick Jagger
David Bowie
Steven Tyler
Rider Strong

And yes, it'd be playing against a girl (me) but I love plot verses porn. I'd love it to be set in the heyday of rock stars though!
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[04 Dec 2010|02:16pm]
This is my only rp related Christmas wish: A medieval fantasy game that doesn't die off after a week. I don't care if it's original characters, Arthurian legend based, or a panfandom catering to fandoms like Legend of the Seeker, Merlin, and Narnia (etc), but something along those lines. I'd even help to set it up if I had a co-mod and people interested.
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[04 Dec 2010|10:35pm]
I want to play with this newly created character for Christmas. I don't care if it's a temporary line or long-term, I just want to fiddle around with her voice and get to know her better! Plus, I'm craving some OCness in the HP world.

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