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When you wish upon a star... [30 Nov 2010|09:33am]
- More people for [info]chaosunraveled

- More angels, and elementals at [info]blueridge

- More people for [info]15222


- I play a woman named Maria Wolf [info]water_bearer over at [info]blueridge. I would love it if I could get someone to play her fiancée. Details can be discussed, and the PB is negotiable. Obviously not everything would be roses, and rainbows for the two, but hey, it'll be fun!

- I also play another girl at [info]blueridge named Damia Gray. She's a snake shifter; her mother was a rat shifter; her father is a falcon shifter; and her brother is...a shifter. I would love it if I could get someone to play her father, and younger brother. Details can be discussed. PBs are negotiable (although the PB for the younger brother should be 16-17)

- Another one for blueridge. [info]amongst_thieves Veronica Cole (nee Haile) is the daughter of the demon Valefar; patron demon of thieves. Would love it if someone brought him into the game. As usual details can be discussed, and the PB is negotiable. (Although I am eying Alex O'Loughlin, Ben Hill, Robert Knepper, Brendan Hines, Richard Armitage, or Jason Statham)
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when you wish upon a star... [30 Nov 2010|09:56am]
→ New blood players for [info]onceuponamodly.

→ More time for RP. Silly job-having.

→ More people for [info]quidditch_mods.

→ More plot/interaction for my kids in general.
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[30 Nov 2010|11:26am]

- [info]helleborein needs a home! She is an X-men OC with an already set mutation (it's important to her backstory). She deals with some kinda sensitive/mature subjects so I would like some place that's kind of dark/open to that? She would fit in best with a school-focused game because of her age.
- I am sort of playing with the idea of joining a supernatural game. I'm interested in playing a young (as in, physically) vampire and I usually like to go into games with storylines so if you've got some that need filling that would fit that, throw 'em at me. I don't really like supernatural games with like 83081061 different races.

- People to pick up people on our Wanted list at [info]x_mod! (I'm especially DYINNNG~~ for a hard rock or punky Ultimates-inspired Dazzler with Taylor Momsen or Dakota Fanning circa The Runaways as a PB.)
- I have a list of storylines that need filling, any of them would make my day.

For [info]pbsbyariel:
- A SuicideGirls account (mine ran out last year :'()
- Paid Photobucket time
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[30 Nov 2010|12:23pm]

My Christmas wish list!

A Victoria Beckham as an ex girlfriend. (I have details for this line)
A Zoe Saldana as a sports agent, or personal assistant for a Two Weeks Notice type of line (I have details for this line)
More teammates or Seahawks staff members.
More friends and some family members.
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If wishes were horses... [30 Nov 2010|08:49pm]
Okay, I'm going to get my big, please oh please wish out of the way first. I play Kurt Hummel ([info]mr_cellophane) at [info]new_directions and I have never had a Mercedes to play off of for any length of time. He needs his BFF and he needs her bad.

Another Kurt wish, though not nearly as desperate, is for a Dave Karofsky to torment him. Because I'm like that.

And...that's pretty much it. Yep.

Happy holidays, thank you, and may the RP gods smile on us all.
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