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No Good Deed [18 May 2011|12:30pm]
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In the middle of January Xavier's School for Gifted Students was attacked in the dead of night. Both mutant and non-mutant alike fought to lend a powerful blow to the mutant community by taking out the school. They did not expect the battle they would be faced with and many were lost that night. Since then, under the leadership of Ororo Munroe, the staff and students at Xavier's have struggled to find normalcy once more. The mansion is being repaired slowly, security enhanced, and students are finding comfort in consistent classes once again. But there are darker things looming just out of sight.

One night, Doctor Nathaniel Essex disappeared along with several students, and even Cerebro can't find them. Scott Summers, seemingly back from the dead, has challeneged Storm's capabilities and her leadership skills. A new cure is being born in the from of a pill that mutants can take daily. The theory is each pill means twenty-four hours with no mutation. Stay on it long enough and the mutation goes away. Side effects include but are not limited to dry mouth, runny nose, headache, upset stomach, oh, and genocide. One group is moving to get rid of the mutants once and for all. With over 300 cells across the nation, their goal could very well be reached if the mutants aren't careful.

With the X-Men at each others throats and no one putting much stock in hope in anyone else, can they come together to fight this new evil?

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[ viewing | May 18th, 2011 ]
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