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[11 Jan 2011|10:15am]


You wake up and you're in a room. The last thing you remember is pain, maybe. Your mind is swimming. Your body tingles - maybe itches? - and when you look around, you realize you are definitely not Kansas anymore, Toto. How did you get here?

You jump out of bed and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and what you see makes you groan. You approach with caution and you touch your cheeks. You press your hands onto the dresser and stare at the young stranger looking back at you.

On the dresser, you find a letter:

Welcome to Pan High! Congratulations, you're one of our chosen few who've been given a wonderful opportunity. Our philosophy here at Pan High is if you believe it, you will achieve it! At Pan High, we have some of the most diverse and exceptionally brilliant students.

The school is one of the leading educational institutions of the country. With a state of the art facility, Pan High School offers a wide variety of educational tools that benefit our student's education. Students from all around come to study at our illustrious school. With a college bound mentality, Pan High has a state of the art residence hall for our visiting students with all the amenities they could desire: gyms, pools, rec rooms, basketball courts, etc.

We look forward to servicing your needs. Go Satyrs!

- The Administration

Pan High is a multifandom game that takes characters from different fandoms and takes them back to high school. What do you do when you've spent your whole life battling the forces of evil and you're given the chance to start over?

Pan High School is located in the city of Arcadia in Southern California. No one knows it exists, and you don't really find it -- it finds you. Maybe you've wanted a new beginning, or you've gotten tired with your life, or maybe you just want to try something new -- everyone's story is different, everyone was taken from a different point in their life. There are rumors of unknown danger and magic in the city of Arcadia and strange things lurking about at night. Some say, in the dead of night, the song of the Great God Pan can be heard. But that's just local legends.

What is certain, though, is that once you're in Arcadia - you can never leave. So, good luck to you. Here's hoping high school doesn't eat you alive.

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[11 Jan 2011|01:19pm]



A Movie!Verse background RPG

Character Directory

Most Wanted
Juggernaut, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Pyro, Black Tom, Nick Fury, Hellion, Shatterstar, STUDENTS!

Seven years ago, a change was brought to the world that changed the lives of humans and mutants forever. A shot, an "antidote" for the disease that was mutation. Just one shot and all your worries would be gone. Some mutants did not agree with this idea and a battle was waged because of it. When all was said and done there were dead counted among humans and mutant-kind alike.

Today, mutants are known and have limited social acceptance. Xavier's School for the Gifted in Westchester, New York still stands, even though the professor himself is no longer alive. With Ororo Munroe as its headmaster, it continues to teach mutant children in the ways of their abilities and social behavior. Some students have since graduated and gone out into the world to try and lead normal lives. Some have stayed behind to teach and continue on in being a member of the X-Men. Some have left to spread mutant acceptance in other parts of the world.

Just a month ago, former mutants who'd received the shot to take their powers away began witnessing a return of their powers. Only these powers were ten times stronger than anything they'd felt before. Some were able to control themselves, but others were not so lucky. Now, with security and safety uncertain, it seems the wall between humans and mutants is rising up again.

Only days ago, and underground anti-mutant cell held its first official meeting. Tired of dealing with the mercurial habits of mutants, they have decided to retaliate against them. In just two weeks' time they will gather men and women from every walk of life, anyone who is willing to go in to Xavier's school with weapons drawn, and take as many mutants with them to hell as they can. Some are even mutants themselves, disgusted with what they may turn back into or have already returned to, and willing to strike a blow that could signify the ends of mutants.

After January 17, Xavier's will never be the same.

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Painswick University -- What if they knew? [11 Jan 2011|05:51pm]



The wizarding world fell into peaceful times following Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts. Unfortunately, peace doesn't last forever.

Painswick University is the oldest wizarding university in the United Kingdom. Nestled in the hills of England, Painswick has been home to the academics of the wizarding world. With a vast program of studies in a small town with a personal feel, Painswick can offer incredible opportunities to witches and wizards looking to further their educational journey.

We see Painswick University as a fantastic opportunity for more adult character development and a chance to put the Harry Potter canon in a new environment.

But what would happen if a few Muggles found out about the wizarding world? What if some Muggles weren't so pleased with their children's magical abilities? And what if, among the Muggles, there was a group keen on causing a stir akin to the Salem Witch Trials? In this AU Harry Potter generation RP, Painswick University shows us just what can happen when the wizarding world as a whole comes under attack.

Game currently accepting applications.
Most Wanted: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Quidditch players and males.

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