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Rp Wanted

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[27 Aug 2010|09:51am]

After the near destruction of Hogwarts in the summer of 1998, several changes were decided upon during its reconstruction. Hogwarts had always been a great place for learning, but lacked what some of the other magical schools had: a well-rounded education that focused on more than just magical mastery. With a helping hand from the newly established Ministry, several elective clubs and activities were created and formed to encourage expanded learning.

These changes have evolved over the years, slightly changing as professors came and went at the school, but never quite disappearing. In fact, Hogwarts has become very event-oriented and is now hailed as a hands-on teaching school.

There is still some harsh criticism from certain media outlets and former Hogwarts students that remember how the school used to be run. In fact, some would call the need to implement art as something required for learning to be quite piffling.


Piffled is a game set in the school year 2022-2023, focusing on students from 5th to 7th year. An event oriented game, students are encouraged to participate in as many clubs, school activities, and events as possible. As a reminder, all students are required to take one fine art elective "club" to keep up with Ministry requirements.


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[27 Aug 2010|03:04pm]
[info]philad is a small, group psl that focuses on a group of families and friends that are all connected somehow. Playing is carried out over group threads, journal comments and even aim.

if you are interested, please comment this post or even here for more info. we are dedicated writers who really want to find others who want to create a great, family/friend based line that focuses on writing, is fun and active as well as being long term.
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[27 Aug 2010|05:48pm]
[info]cruciatusmods for all your dark Harry Potter, next generation needs. Opens next week, looking for all charies, even your original ones!!
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