Sunday, September 4th, 2011


Instructions For The Highly Egocentric Interview Meme:
Comment with 1-5 questions on the following subjects:
• To my characters [I will respond ICly as that character]
• About my characters [I will respond OOC]
• Generic RP/writing questions

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Name a character I've written or played, and I will tell you his or her...

01. Full name
02. Best friend
03. Sexuality
04. Favourite colour
05. Relationship status
06. Ideal mate
07. Turn-ons
08. Last sexual experience
09. Favourite food
10. Crushes
11. Favourite music
12. Biggest fear
13. Biggest fantasy
14. Quirks in bed
15. Bad habits
16. Biggest regret
17. Best kept secrets
18. Last thought
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience
20. Biggest insecurity

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Name one of my chars and I'll fill out the following for them:

- Does your character believe in true love or soul mates? Love at first sight?
- Are they or have they ever been in love?
- What are their general feelings about sex?
- How do they feel about sex without love?
- What about sex before marriage?
- What counts as cheating and is cheating forgivable?
- Have they or would they ever cheat?
- Are they a virgin?
- First partner? Most recent?
- What sort of experience do they have with sex?
- How comfortable are they with their body?
- With their partner's body?
- Who gave them "The Talk"?
- Post-sex habits? Weird habits?

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Comment with one of my characters and I will answer the following questions:
1. What is their favorite food?
2. What is their favorite fast food restaurant?
3. Can they cook? How well?
4. What is their favorite kind of food to cook? (Desserts, a certain ethnicity, etc.)
5. What is the one thing that's likely to be in their fridge at all times?

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Request one of my characters and I will tell you the following about them:

1. Who their favorite person (character) is in the game
2. What is one of their deep dark secrets
3. What is their most prized possession
4. What they fear most of all
5. A question of your choice

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Comment with one of my characters (past or present) and I will tell you the following:
1. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.
2. One of his/her best traits.
3. One of his/her worst traits.
4. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character.
5. The story/thread/chapter/post/paragraph/tag/phrase where I feel that I truly captured the character.
6. My plans for the character in the near future.

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Pick a character friendship that I write (doesn't necessarily have to be with your character!) and I will answer the following questions (and, keep in mind, the relationship you choose can have a sense of romantic overtones, but it has to have enough aspects of friendship to qualify -- I reserve the right to say NO WAY if I don't think it does!):

1. When and how did their friendship start?
2. What things do you or your character associate with the friendship?
3. What is his/her favorite thing about his/her friend?
4. What is his/her least favorite thing about his/her friend?
5. Is their friendship the sort that would survive sudden (and possibly inevitable) betrayal? What about zombie attacks?
6. Does he/she know his/her friend's birthday? Furthermore, what would he/she get for the friend on that day?
7. What scene/comment thread/event do you think epitomizes their relationship?

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Pick one of my characters to answer the following questions.

1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?
2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?
3. What do they dream about? [Either literal or figurative].
4. What’s their biggest fear?
5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?
6. What is their fondest memory?
7. What is their worst memory?
8. What or who was were their most significant influence? Expound.
9. What do they believe makes a successful life?
10. What makes them laugh?
11. What are their religious views?
12. What is their greatest strength?
13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?
14. Who is the most important person in their life?
15. If they died or went missing, who would miss them most?
16. How would they describe themselves?
17. How would others describe them?

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1. Who are you?
2. How long have we been RPing together?
3. What was your first impression about our RPs? (IE, were you nervous, intimidated, disappointed, impressed, amused, annoyed?)
4. First characters we played together?
5. Most amusing scene from one of our games/pairings/threads/logs?
6. Most depressing?
7. Sappiest/most romantic?
8. Cutest couple we've played?
9. Cutest friends?
10. What's your favorite character that I play/have played? Why?
11. Least favorite? Why?
12. Something you'd like to RP/see happen in an RP with me at some point (no matter how random!)?
13. Name a song that reminds you of one of our pairings (romantic or not) and why you chose it.
14. Anything in particular that makes my style of RPing stand out from others'?
15. Anything I could improve on?
16. Character of mine you'd like to see more of?

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