Role Playing Icons by Mandie's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Role Playing Icons by Mandie

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Introduction/Rules/Application [12 Jan 2008|02:58pm]

Welcome to Role Play Icons by Mandie. I am Mandie and I have been making graphics for about five years now. I am not the best with fancy icons and not creative and that is why I usually stick to just the simple icons for role play. I can usually come up with a nice looking banner, but sometimes, I even have problems with that. I have decided that this journal will be strictly requests, made by the users. Unless I am just bored out of my mind, I will not make random icons to post here. the rules and put in your request, and I will get to it as soon as possible. Remember! I am a college student, I may not be able to get to it as soon as the comment is posted. YOU MUST JOIN IN THE USER INFO TO SEE THE POSTED ICONS! I will add you as soon as I see you have requested to join.

Rules )

Application )

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