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[03 Sep 2023|01:21pm]
The Lonely Planet

You are alone. Your people are alone. Or maybe they aren't...

Lonely Planet is a panfandom set in the 28th century in upstate New York. When you arrive, you may notice things are a little ruinous around you and... well, the pretty wonky weather episode don't make it much better from there.

There's a little bit of the supernatural, a little bit of surprise, a little bit of mass scientific fallout. Like mutants? We've got you. Like missions? We've got you. Like political intrigue? Might just be a little of that.

Missions are run on a DnD-style system and happen monthly (usually twice a month, depending on plot). There are social events for those so inclined. A very friendly bar owner who likes to throw lots of parties and singles events. You could say there's a little bit of everything, as long as you're okay with the occasional plot twist! OCs are allowed. Minor characters require mod approval.

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