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[21 Mar 2020|05:20pm]
Two hundred years after the creation of Hemoxsol, the pharmaceutical cure to mankind’s struggle for survival, the world has become an unrecognizable place.

Three classes of humanity, the Evolved, the Unevolved, and the Amalgamations exist in a strict social hierarchy. The Evolved, those either fortunate to have received the Hemoxsol injection or to be born of those who did, have amassed the power and influence of the world stage. They control politics, the economy, and, most importantly, the serum. The Unevolved, denied the benefits of the drug’s immortality, have become not only the laborers for the Hive Cities, but the sustenance for the Evolved, who suffer only one significant side effect from Hemoxsol — requiring the consumption of Unevolved blood in order to survive. And then there are the Amalgamations, the lowest of the low. Defected bestial degenerates that resulted from an anomalous genetic aversion to the serum.

For generations the people of Ascia have lived and adapted to this pharmaceutical evolution wrought upon society. But there’s a growing unrest among the impoverished. Talk of revolution is on the horizon. Rumors of monsters in the deep circulate in hushed whispers. And things are about to get a whole lot worse.

Ascendancy is an original character, scientific supernatural game set in the ruins of the near future.

Now with expanded lore and a multitude of roles for players to make their own. Game will open with six applications.
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