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[20 Jan 2020|09:50am]
The Golden Age of Peace is coming to an end... An organization was established in the 1930s by Archer Wesker, a Witch of considerable notoriety, who seemed to effortlessly pull others along with him. Elysium Pharma was created to join the Supernatural community together, to keep them hidden in the shadows from humanity. Hunters were brought into the fold, allowed to work with a safety net behind them, told to capture and bring in rogue Supernatural creatures to be rehabilitated and turned into productive members of society.

As of 2020, Supernatural creatures remain hidden from the rest of the world, a secret that Wesker has worked tirelessly to keep. Elysium is now a powerful corporation that employs a significant number of Supernatural creatures, providing them with housing and schools that allow them to grow without fear of discovery. There is always the risk of wild Supernatural creatures leading to a leak, and that is where the hunters come into play, as they capture and secure them before bringing them back to a separate branch of Elysium Pharma, to undergo rehabilitation.

The Golden Age of peace that came from Archer Wesker working to join the various covens, and species together, is believed to be nearing an end. Life goes on for those within Elysium Pharma though, as the rogue Supernatural creatures are appearing with increasing frequency.

[info]elysiummod is a Supernatural game based in London, England, in real time, centered around the staff at Elysium Pharmaceutical as they work to keep the secret of the Supernatural world from being discovered by neutralizing the threat that wild Supernatural creatures present, and the every day people effected by this.

Come to the discord and say hi if you're interested in applying!
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