RPG List: Game & Character Ads for all.

July 28th, 2022

RPG List: Game & Character Ads for all.


July 28th, 2022

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Under the shadow of the Smoky Mountains, Angelica became an official town in Tennessee on June 12, 1927. For a chance at prosperity, the townsfolk made a pact in magic and blood, but it unintentionally awakened an entity. This roused consciousness - the cave dweller -is powerful and hungry. In exchange for gifts beyond imagination, they would grow the town and their respective businesses, congregations, and populations, creating connective energy that fed the entity.
Dread South is a plot-driven game with a southern gothic vibe, supernatural and horror themes, and a cast of original characters. Players are encouraged to explore their characters’ personal motivations, their experiences within their sects and with others, interpersonal relationships and conflicts, the ups and downs of their occupations, the struggles of the working class, the social experience of living in the foothills of eastern Tennessee in the present day, and their own individualized experiences with Arcady, whether light or dark. Dread South is not a ‘slice of life’ game. We strive for the dramatic, tension-based aspects of storylines. Come and see what we're about, and if you love plot, world-building, and getting into the heads of your character, consider applying.
We're looking for people and writers who want to participate and become part of the plot. If you are not interested in adding and contributing, this game isn't for you. Premise
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