RPG List: Game & Character Ads for all.

January 1st, 2019

RPG List: Game & Character Ads for all.


January 1st, 2019

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Are you, the discerning RPer, looking for a low-key place to play your original characters? With a low activity requirement and no huge over-arching plot? Do you just want to write without pressure, without having to necessarily react to some huge crisis?

Come check out [info]springs_mods! It's a low-key OC game set in a newly-built apartment building in the heart of D.C. But there's no political intrigue running the whole game, there's no supernatural creatures, no murder most foul, just people all moving in to the same building and having to live together. You can explore relationships of whatever flavor you want: family, friend, romantic. Or just personal character development.

Silver Springs is a quiet slice-of-life game that had a soft open these past few weeks but will be opening with a vengeance in the new year. Bring whatever you want to the table, as long as they're not a vampire.

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