RPG List: Game & Character Ads for all.

June 30th, 2015

RPG List: Game & Character Ads for all.


June 30th, 2015

Marvel Dystopia

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What if everything changed? What if our beloved superheroes, super villains and everyone in between woke up in a world that was abandoned? What if they didn't remember anything from their past life and all they knew was what was before them? What if their basic need to survive in a new harsh decaying landscape was challenged by an unseen and omniscient watcher? Could heroes still be heroes? Would villains still be villains? Would sworn enemies unite in friendship? Would lovers still find each other or would new unprecedented affection blossom into something unexpected?
New Marvel AU action based game set to open JULY 25th, 2015.

Holds unlocked June 30th and the game is quickly filling up! We are currently building a solid player base before game opening. Come join us!
code by terrychu
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