August 10th, 2007

[info]ita_iconmaker in [info]rpg_icons_ita

Alexa Vega (356 icons) requested by [info]notsodelicate

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]julie_chan)

Come richieste da [info]notsodelicate, sperando che siano come le voleva ^^

Per favore, se ne prendete, commentate qua e lasciate un credit nelle vostre userinfo o
nello spazio comment delle icone con questa dicitura: icon by: < lj user= "rpg_icons_ita" > o icon by: < lj user= "julie_chan" >(senza spazi tra le < > naturalmente)


Requested by [info]notsodelicate, in the hope that they're what she was looking for ^^

Please, if you take, comment here and credit in your userinfo or in the comment space of
your icons, with the text: icon by: < lj user= "rpg_icons_ita" > or icon by: < lj user= "julie_chan" > (withouth spaces between the < > of course ^^)

Alexa Vega (356) )