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Some may call you picky, others call you snobbish.

I say you know what you want.

I'm here to enable your needs, to cater to your desires. Hand picked, meticulously screened, all the games below are guaranteed to appeal to even the finickiest player . . . provided it's your fandom of choice.
Mar. 31st, 2015 @ 08:43 pm X-Project - An X-Men Movieverse/Marvel RPG - Open for Applications
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Don’t you wonder who would win in a battle of the movieverse Avengers against the movieverse X-Men? Do you wonder what role Agents of SHIELD would have in a world where mutants exist? Do you wish you could have two Spider-Men swinging across New York City running into Daredevil and the high-flying Angel?

With X-PROJECT, now you can! Before Marvel’s own reality-smooshing event of the Secret Wars, X-Project underwent a relaunch, which expanded the pool of usable concepts to all of the Marvel properties, regardless of who holds the licence. Using the X-Men franchise as a base, we are now pulling in elements from the MCU, Spider-Verse and other properties.

Established in May 2003, X-Project is a journal-based RPG on Livejournal. We use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and the slate has been wiped clean on all of our available and retired characters.

Check out the Wiki and the unplayed characters page to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men-based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter! | YouTube Channel | Tumblr | XP 101 | Application Checklist

Feb. 8th, 2015 @ 08:12 pm X-Project - An X-Men Movieverse/Marvel RPG - Open for Applications
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Out of the fires of destruction, rising from the ashes of an old world comes the all-new X-Project! Following the Dark Phoenix Saga, we’re reopening applications on February 15, 2015 with a relaunched game, a new setting and a variety of newly-available characters with blank slate backgrounds.

X-PROJECT is an X-Men Roleplaying Community on Livejournal inspired by the Marvel Movieverses. Combining the X-Men movieverses with the other existing Marvel properties, we use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and the slate has been wiped clean on all of our available and retired characters.

Check out the Wiki and the unplayed characters page to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men-based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter! | YouTube Channel | Tumblr | Application Checklist

Nov. 13th, 2014 @ 07:36 pm WELCOME TO STORYBROOKE.
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The combined magic of Emma and Regina stopped the failsafe and saved Storybrooke from complete destruction, but that wasn't all it did. The backlash from the device unbalanced the magic and things began to change. Though Emma and the others tried to leave Storybrooke, seeking Henry, they found that they couldn't. Something was keeping them from leaving, as if a wall of magic had been placed around the entire town. They were trapped. And soon, things began to take a strange and unsettling turn.

Portals have begun opening. People are appearing out of nowhere, with no idea how they came to be in the town. It's as if the magic of Storybrooke is trying to draw more people in, pulling them from other worlds to fill the town. The residents of Storybrooke are adapting as best they can, and the displaced visitors are trying to make new lives for themselves. But portals aren't the only changes and nobody can be sure how the out of control magic will affect everyone next.

Welcome To Storybrooke is a panfandom game set within the universe of the television series 'Once Upon a Time'.

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application | taken characters | holds | player contact
wanted characters | housing | occupations | hiatus | drops

Oct. 31st, 2014 @ 08:44 am 4bidden
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One bite and it was all over.

When Eve took the infamous bite of the Forbidden Fruit, not only were she and Adam banished from Eden and forced into a world where they were unprotected, the gates to the supernatural realm were opened. Rather than lurking in the shadows, supernaturals flooded the earth. Deeming themselves the superior race, the supernaturals enslaved the humans, forcing them to bend to their whim in every way imaginable.

Thousands of years passed before the humans had had enough and banded together to fight back. The war spanned centuries, and in the end, the humans were defeated. Impressed at how valiantly the humans had fought, The Council made a deal with the humans. Instead of enslaving the entire human race, a lottery would be held. The humans would be free to live their lives however they wished. Between the ages of 16 and 30, though, they would be entered into the lottery, and if chosen, they would be sold into slavery, their possessions as well as their bodies becoming the property of whoever bought them. The humans balked at the idea, insisting that the supernaturals be entered into the lottery, as well. That notion was vetoed, of course, but The Council suggested a compromise. Though they were unwilling to enter ALL supernatural beings into the lottery, they were willing to enter some of the lesser supernatural races. The humans, still greatly outnumbered, were forced to agree.

Through the years, the system has been edited. For the most part, though, the system has remained the same. This is the start of your story. Will you be a master? A slave? Apply and enter the world of 4bidden.
Original characters and canon characters are welcome. The game started July 6th, 2014.

Game started July 6th. APPLY TODAY.

4bidden_mod | 4bidden | 4bidden_social | 4bidden_ooc
Premise | Application | Character List | Wanted Characters | Master and Slave List | Player Contact
Rules | FAQ | Dropbox | Holds | Useful Information | Locations | Calendar | Friends Button | Tags
Weres | Vampires | Magic Users | Fae | Human | Shifters | Slayers/Hunters/Watchers | Angels/Demons
Oct. 20th, 2014 @ 06:27 pm WELCOME TO STORYBROOKE.
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The combined magic of Emma and Regina stopped the failsafe and saved Storybrooke from complete destruction, but that wasn't all it did. The backlash from the device unbalanced the magic and things began to change. Though Emma and the others tried to leave Storybrooke, seeking Henry, they found that they couldn't. Something was keeping them from leaving, as if a wall of magic had been placed around the entire town. They were trapped. And soon, things began to take a strange and unsettling turn.

Portals have begun opening. People are appearing out of nowhere, with no idea how they came to be in the town. It's as if the magic of Storybrooke is trying to draw more people in, pulling them from other worlds to fill the town. The residents of Storybrooke are adapting as best they can, and the displaced visitors are trying to make new lives for themselves. But portals aren't the only changes and nobody can be sure how the out of control magic will affect everyone next.

Welcome To Storybrooke is a panfandom game set within the universe of the television series 'Once Upon a Time'.

premise | rules | faq | mod contact
application | taken characters | holds | player contact
wanted characters | housing | occupations | hiatus | drops

Oct. 6th, 2014 @ 10:58 am 4bidden
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One bite and it was all over.

When Eve took the infamous bite of the Forbidden Fruit, not only were she and Adam banished from Eden and forced into a world where they were unprotected, the gates to the supernatural realm were opened. Rather than lurking in the shadows, supernaturals flooded the earth. Deeming themselves the superior race, the supernaturals enslaved the humans, forcing them to bend to their whim in every way imaginable.

Thousands of years passed before the humans had had enough and banded together to fight back. The war spanned centuries, and in the end, the humans were defeated. Impressed at how valiantly the humans had fought, The Council made a deal with the humans. Instead of enslaving the entire human race, a lottery would be held. The humans would be free to live their lives however they wished. Between the ages of 16 and 30, though, they would be entered into the lottery, and if chosen, they would be sold into slavery, their possessions as well as their bodies becoming the property of whoever bought them. The humans balked at the idea, insisting that the supernaturals be entered into the lottery, as well. That notion was vetoed, of course, but The Council suggested a compromise. Though they were unwilling to enter ALL supernatural beings into the lottery, they were willing to enter some of the lesser supernatural races. The humans, still greatly outnumbered, were forced to agree.

Through the years, the system has been edited. For the most part, though, the system has remained the same. This is the start of your story. Will you be a master? A slave? Apply and enter the world of 4bidden.
Original characters and canon characters are welcome. The game started July 6th, 2014.

Game started July 6th. APPLY TODAY.

4bidden_mod | 4bidden | 4bidden_social | 4bidden_ooc
Premise | Application | Character List | Wanted Characters | Master and Slave List | Player Contact
Rules | FAQ | Dropbox | Holds | Useful Information | Locations | Calendar | Friends Button | Tags
Weres | Vampires | Magic Users | Fae | Human | Shifters | Slayers/Hunters/Watchers | Angels/Demons
Sep. 22nd, 2014 @ 06:35 pm (no subject)
About this Entry

One bite and it was all over.

When Eve took the infamous bite of the Forbidden Fruit, not only were she and Adam banished from Eden and forced into a world where they were unprotected, the gates to the supernatural realm were opened. Rather than lurking in the shadows, supernaturals flooded the earth. Deeming themselves the superior race, the supernaturals enslaved the humans, forcing them to bend to their whim in every way imaginable.

Thousands of years passed before the humans had had enough and banded together to fight back. The war spanned centuries, and in the end, the humans were defeated. Impressed at how valiantly the humans had fought, The Council made a deal with the humans. Instead of enslaving the entire human race, a lottery would be held. The humans would be free to live their lives however they wished. Between the ages of 16 and 30, though, they would be entered into the lottery, and if chosen, they would be sold into slavery, their possessions as well as their bodies becoming the property of whoever bought them. The humans balked at the idea, insisting that the supernaturals be entered into the lottery, as well. That notion was vetoed, of course, but The Council suggested a compromise. Though they were unwilling to enter ALL supernatural beings into the lottery, they were willing to enter some of the lesser supernatural races. The humans, still greatly outnumbered, were forced to agree.

Through the years, the system has been edited. For the most part, though, the system has remained the same. This is the start of your story. Will you be a master? A slave? Apply and enter the world of 4bidden.
Original characters and canon characters are welcome. The game started July 6th, 2014.

Game started July 6th. APPLY TODAY.

4bidden_mod | 4bidden | 4bidden_social | 4bidden_ooc
Premise | Application | Character List | Wanted Characters | Master and Slave List | Player Contact
Rules | FAQ | Dropbox | Holds | Useful Information | Locations | Calendar | Friends Button | Tags
Weres | Vampires | Magic Users | Fae | Human | Shifters | Slayers/Hunters/Watchers | Angels/Demons
Aug. 10th, 2014 @ 01:57 am WELCOME TO STORYBROOKE.
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The combined magic of Emma and Regina stopped the failsafe and saved Storybrooke from complete destruction, but that wasn't all it did. The backlash from the device unbalanced the magic and things began to change. Though Emma and the others tried to leave Storybrooke, seeking Henry, they found that they couldn't. Something was keeping them from leaving, as if a wall of magic had been placed around the entire town. They were trapped. And soon, things began to take a strange and unsettling turn.

Portals have begun opening. People are appearing out of nowhere, with no idea how they came to be in the town. It's as if the magic of Storybrooke is trying to draw more people in, pulling them from other worlds to fill the town. The residents of Storybrooke are adapting as best they can, and the displaced visitors are trying to make new lives for themselves. But portals aren't the only changes and nobody can be sure how the out of control magic will affect everyone next.

Welcome To Storybrooke is a panfandom game set within the universe of the television series 'Once Upon a Time'.

premise | rules | faq | mod contact
application | taken characters | holds | player contact
wanted characters | housing | occupations | hiatus | drops

Jul. 28th, 2014 @ 08:55 am 4bidden
About this Entry

One bite and it was all over.

When Eve took the infamous bite of the Forbidden Fruit, not only were she and Adam banished from Eden and forced into a world where they were unprotected, the gates to the supernatural realm were opened. Rather than lurking in the shadows, supernaturals flooded the earth. Deeming themselves the superior race, the supernaturals enslaved the humans, forcing them to bend to their whim in every way imaginable.

Thousands of years passed before the humans had had enough and banded together to fight back. The war spanned centuries, and in the end, the humans were defeated. Impressed at how valiantly the humans had fought, The Council made a deal with the humans. Instead of enslaving the entire human race, a lottery would be held. The humans would be free to live their lives however they wished. Between the ages of 16 and 30, though, they would be entered into the lottery, and if chosen, they would be sold into slavery, their possessions as well as their bodies becoming the property of whoever bought them. The humans balked at the idea, insisting that the supernaturals be entered into the lottery, as well. That notion was vetoed, of course, but The Council suggested a compromise. Though they were unwilling to enter ALL supernatural beings into the lottery, they were willing to enter some of the lesser supernatural races. The humans, still greatly outnumbered, were forced to agree.

Through the years, the system has been edited. For the most part, though, the system has remained the same. This is the start of your story. Will you be a master? A slave? Apply and enter the world of 4bidden.
Original characters and canon characters are welcome. The game started July 6th, 2014.

Game started July 6th. APPLY TODAY.

4bidden_mod | 4bidden | 4bidden_social | 4bidden_ooc
Premise | Application | Character List | Wanted Characters | Master and Slave List | Player Contact
Rules | FAQ | Dropbox | Holds | Useful Information | Locations | Calendar | Friends Button | Tags
Weres | Vampires | Magic Users | Fae | Human | Shifters | Slayers/Hunters/Watchers | Angels/Demons
Jul. 21st, 2014 @ 08:01 am 4bidden
About this Entry

One bite and it was all over.

When Eve took the infamous bite of the Forbidden Fruit, not only were she and Adam banished from Eden and forced into a world where they were unprotected, the gates to the supernatural realm were opened. Rather than lurking in the shadows, supernaturals flooded the earth. Deeming themselves the superior race, the supernaturals enslaved the humans, forcing them to bend to their whim in every way imaginable.

Thousands of years passed before the humans had had enough and banded together to fight back. The war spanned centuries, and in the end, the humans were defeated. Impressed at how valiantly the humans had fought, The Council made a deal with the humans. Instead of enslaving the entire human race, a lottery would be held. The humans would be free to live their lives however they wished. Between the ages of 16 and 30, though, they would be entered into the lottery, and if chosen, they would be sold into slavery, their possessions as well as their bodies becoming the property of whoever bought them. The humans balked at the idea, insisting that the supernaturals be entered into the lottery, as well. That notion was vetoed, of course, but The Council suggested a compromise. Though they were unwilling to enter ALL supernatural beings into the lottery, they were willing to enter some of the lesser supernatural races. The humans, still greatly outnumbered, were forced to agree.

Through the years, the system has been edited. For the most part, though, the system has remained the same. This is the start of your story. Will you be a master? A slave? Apply and enter the world of 4bidden.
Original characters and canon characters are welcome. The game started July 6th, 2014.

Game started July 6th. APPLY TODAY.

4bidden_mod | 4bidden | 4bidden_social | 4bidden_ooc
Premise | Application | Character List | Wanted Characters | Master and Slave List | Player Contact
Rules | FAQ | Dropbox | Holds | Useful Information | Locations | Calendar | Friends Button | Tags
Weres | Vampires | Magic Users | Fae | Human | Shifters | Slayers/Hunters/Watchers | Angels/Demons