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[24 Dec 2011|12:01am]

<b>Name:</b> Mimi

<b>LJ</b>: MimiLikesToRP

<b>Email</b>: mimithemuse@aol.com

<b>MSN/AIM/YIM</b>: MimiTheMuse on AIM/YIM

<b>Timezone</b>: Eastren

<b>What you RP</b>: Harry Potter, X-Files, ER, Boston Legal, Brothers & Sisters, True Blood, Twilight, just about any movie Alan Rickman has done, certain celebrities, original stories. (I like dystopian universes, or settings involving forced or arranged marriages for originals, though I will do modern settings if the storyline is right.)

<b>Characters you RP</b>: Some original females, males in any of the fandoms listed, and I'm willing to double up.

<B>Characters you’re looking to interact with:</B> Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy are perennial favorites. Hans Gruber (Die Hard), Colonel Brandon (Sense & Sensibility), Sam Merlotte, Andy Bellefleur, Bill Compton.

<B>Any specific storyline ideas, or general feelings involved with RPing:</B>

Most Wanted Storylines:

1. Original

a. A beauty and the beast type of storyline...a young girl is sold by her family to an older man as a wife. He's hardly the kind and cuddly type, but slowly a better side of him emerges. Very open on the type of setting for this one.

b. A fast living bad boy is trying to get his life back together when he meets a young woman who's trying her hand at stripping after she ends up broke and homeless. Now that he doesn't have a chemical addiction, she becomes his addiction, launching them into a complex, obsessive love affair. Can be very dark if you're up for it, but can also be something like "Pretty Woman" if you prefer lighter/more romantic.

2. Harry Potter

a. The war has been won by the Death Eaters, and at a slave auction Lucius Malfoy meets up with the daughter of the woman he loved before Narcissa. He purchases her as a replacement wife, and she is none too pleased. This line can go very dark or very romantic...I'd like to see elements of both

b. Severus Snape is roped into an arranged marriage shortly after leaving Hogwarts. How does this change the war? AU is love on this one!

c. Post DH, Severus Snape returns to Hogwarts and slowly befriends a young female teacher who has also some scars of her own from the war.

d. Lucius Malfoy is reunited with the daughter of the woman he loved and lost after the war. His marriage has fallen apart and he's trying to deal with some legal troubles when the damaged young woman is put into his custody, but just fight find a new beginning in helping her heal from the war.

3. X-Files

I was hoping to do something with the mytharc. I have an original character I'd like to use, so what I'd like most would be a Mulder, and perhaps later in the storyline a Skinner or Krycek. I can do Scully for your Mulder if you're a shipper! I can also play basically any character from the entire series, so we're open to alot of collaboration.

4. ER

Love. Lust. Romance. Sex. Angst. Drama. My female doctor seeks Romano, Greene, Luka, Dubenko or Morris. Will do any pairing you have in mind in returen.

5. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

A young peasent girl is choosen to be the Sheriff of Nottingham's bride. Will she find some decent qualities about George, or has she just plunged into a nightmare? I would prefer a Sheriff based on Alan Rickman's interpetation of him, and this is another one that can go as light or dark as you'd like.

6. True Blood

There's a new shapeshifter in town and she's looking for a mate. Sam Merlotte or Andy Bellefleur would be my first choices, but I think Bill Compton or even Eric Northman would work. I'm told I play a good Sookie or Eric.

7. Twilight

a. What if Bella had ended up with Jacob in New Moon, and Edward had chosen to move on instead of go to the Volturi? Could he ever find happiness with another girl? I'd like to bring a female character into the Cullen family, someone Alice saves based on a premonition, that is not overly thrilled about being changed into a vampire, even if death was the other option. How will she blend in?

b. What if other shape shifters exist from other Native American tribes? Looking for a Jacob who's ready to move on past Bella.


<B>Do you smut?:</B> Of course. I can go from only have sex scenes germaine to the plot to doing a storyline based in eroticism. I am tolernant of most kinks, too. I have a few of my own, namely D/s.

<B>Is there anything else you would like to add?:</B> My ideas above can be adjusted to fit both of our wants. Or if you like the ideas, but don't want to use any, contact me any way and we can work something out! I work from home so I am good at keeping long term partnerships. And I have thirteen years of rpg experience. I can play AIM, but my preference is email or Gdoc. Threading is good too. :)

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Ye Gods! [24 Dec 2011|10:56am]

In centuries past, mortals believed in superstition. They believed in gods. They believed in magic. As human civilization evolved and fewer people chose to believe in the otherworld, the mist grew thicker and the parallel worlds more separate. Mortals were blessed (and cursed) to see only what they wanted to see. They went about their business unaware that the gods were still very much around and pulling the strings.

With worship waning, the gods found that they had to think of new ways to increase their power and influence. They turned to their mortal children - their demi-gods. However, lately, greater problems have arisen. The forces of darkness and chaos are rising, threatening the very fabric of existence. Who will succeed? Who will stand for goodness and light, and who will be the harbingers of darkness and chaos?

[info]yegods is a modern fantasy roleplaying game inspired by White Wolf's Scion setting and Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. We're a small, plot-driven game with super friendly players and a lot of activity, so join today! Join us and experience the adventure, intrigue, and excitement of Ye Gods!


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[24 Dec 2011|10:01pm]

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Now Open!!!
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