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Amortentia [16 Dec 2011|03:58am]
The Game
It's been a year and a half since the fall of Voldemort and the Wizarding World is still rebuilding. The Death Eaters have been tried, Hogwarts has been rebuilt, and everyone is attempting to move on with their lives. However, most of them have forgotten the biggest thing they should have learned during the war; the importance of love. It was, after all, Dumbledore's message that there could always be move love in this world.

While working on an experiment to alter the properties of the popular love potion, Amortentia, Unspeakable Hermione Granger makes a mistake that leaves everyone within the Ministry, Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade on that day fall in love with the person whom they're nearest to. While everyone is stuck with the wrong person, or in some cases, the right ones, The Ministry frantically tries to correct their mistake, but their attempt to bring everyone out of their love-drunk stupor only leads to everyone magically finding their soulmate. Not everyone will be happy about who they're fated to be with, but some of them may just find what they've been looking for.

Amortentia is set in the year 2000, when the Wizarding World is still recovering from the events of the war. We're focused on the characters exploring all kinds of relationships: romantic, family, friendship, etc. and character development. Every two to three weeks, the mods will introduce a new plot point for the game, which will keep things in motion for the first few months, with the plan being to let everyone keep things going with character interactions afterwards.
Current Events
The game will start out with characters being placed under a love potion and being stuck with random characters to be in love with. The plot will then shift to people discovering who their soulmates are when the Ministry botches their attempt to fix their mistake. After those plots are settled, we have a few game-wide plots planned with magical creatures, magical catastrophes, etc.
The Players
Amortentia is currently seeking dedicated writers who are interested in character development, participating in game-wide plots, and moving the plot forward with character interactions.
Coming Soon
We've just opened and we're about to launch with your first plot. In order to make sure it kicks some ass, we need to fill some of out most wanted characters, which include: Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter, and many others.
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[16 Dec 2011|10:12am]
Pandora's Box Premise

Pandora Zurlo's on the loose and she wants her memories back. She's already taken one from Harry Potter, brutally killing him in the process. Now that the Boy Who Lived is dead, who's next on the list and how many people will die before Pandora is stopped?

Pandora's Box is a brand new dark Harry Potter RPG set in 2003. Harry Potter's just been killed and as the wizarding world reels from shock, there's a mystery developing. Who killed Harry and why? What's with all the nightmares? And just who is Pandora Zurlo?

Wanted Characters

We need Slytherins, especially Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, and Gregory Goyle! We'd love Katie Bell, George Weasley, Lee Jordan and more! We're really want some Death Eaters, some older generation characters, and anyone who loves a good dark game. Here's our wanted page for more options.


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ForsilvraII: A Game of Intrigue [16 Dec 2011|06:32pm]


the game


most wanted
High Lords
Fair Ladies

Forsilvra was a kingdom born of blood, won through the lust for power, conquored by steel and brutality, held together by alliances, loyalties and ancient rivalries- so it is only fitting that by those same forces it will be torn asunder. The lords of the land scramble for power as the throne that once held them together crumbles, and where once one king sat there now stand eight kings, alike only in their ambition. Their web of intrigues stretches over the land as the last thing tying these kingdoms together, but will it hold, or will there be another conquest of the fractured kingdom? Join them in determining the fate of their world, for good or ill.

In this war-torn land, glory is yours for the taking, and any man may reach for it, but when one takes a leap, they must remember to first look, for not even a king is beyond the reach of the Lady of Death.

Inspired by GRR Martin's A Game of Thrones

in the game of thrones, you win or you die... will you play?

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[16 Dec 2011|06:52pm]
[ mood | bored ]

::: [ Kiseki - A CLAMP-centric RPG ] :::

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