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[14 Jun 2011|12:35pm]

There's a revolution in the streets...
The powers, the mutants, the metahumans. Call them what you like, it's an undeniable fact that they're a part of our society now and everyday there are more of them. The cause of the sudden mutation is a mystery but the effect is playing out in our daily lives. Are you one of the newly evolved or just a regular person trying to make sense of this crazy new world? Find out at:
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X-Project: An X-Men Movieverse RP on Livejournal [14 Jun 2011|03:01pm]



Date of Birth: July 31, 1988

Powers: Shapeshifter - wolf.


Rahne Sinclair A quiet, mild-mannered girl, Rahne was adopted and raised by the strict and hard Reverend Craig. She manifested during the Great Mutant Headache of X2, turning into her full wolf shape and being denounced as a demon by the denizens of the remote Scottish village in which she lived. Moira MacTaggart rescued her and arranged for her to come to Xavier's, where over the next five years she learned to control her shapeshifting, achieving a transitionary state, as well as becoming more comfortable with her wolf form. Having joined Elpis., in September 2008 she transferred to the Tel Aviv office to pursue her studies and found there a 'pack' that filled the long-empty gap created by her sojourn in Asgard and the loss of her only love, Prince Hrimhari.

Check out the Wiki and the advertising community to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

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