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Durmstrang Uber Alles - a Durmstrang-based HP game on Inksome [21 Sep 2008|10:39am]
The Durmstrang Institute was created for the magical instruction of Eastern European wizards. Once upon a time, it accepted all promising students who had magical aptitude, but now, any time that Muggleborns and halfbloods were ever accepted is a distant memory, in favor of rigid social classes and tradition. Students are ingrained with a sense of superiority or inferiority [one that often starts at home], a respect for tradition and appropriate social behavior, and most importantly a strong desire to succeed and to be the best. Students that graduate from Durmstrang are the most talented, the strongest, the brightest, and the best. The only question is...are you strong enough to survive until graduation?

| School Info | Setting | Hierarchy | Master List [Staff & Students]

Rules | Taken Characters and PBs | Taken PBs for NPCs | Availability | Application

Contact List | School Calendar | Friend-all List | Quidditch | Class Schedules

In Character | Out of Character | Mod Journal

Classes started August 25th!!

Seventh years wanted!!
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Darkest Days: An Original Mob-based PB Game [21 Sep 2008|02:05pm]

Imagine a world where heroes no longer exist and the only way for the streets to become safe again is for one family to rise above the rest. Everyone has an allegiance here, the neutral don’t stay that way or alive for long. Each member of the police force is bought and paid for by someone, so there’s no point in calling when trouble comes knocking at the door.

The year is 2025 and Chicago doesn’t sparkle as it once did. Everything is dirtier, grittier and more worn down than the pictures in the history books like to show. Glitz and glamour have no place here because a war is brewing in the shadows. Bullet holes and dried blood litter the city’s streets and no one thinks twice if a person is gunned down a few feet away. But it wasn't always like that.

For years the Irish, Russians and Italians occupied the city on what could be considered "friendly" terms. Patrick O'Meara saw to it that the peace was kept and that each group saw to their own affairs. Each stayed out of the other's way and if someone stepped out of line, meetings between the heads of the families were called and it was settled quietly behind closed doors. Thanks to O'Meara, they were all able to coexist peacefully enough. Well, right up until someone decided to pull the trigger and open Pandora's box.

Dante Morelli, son of the Italian crime boss Antonio "Tony" Morelli, was the one who decided to take matters into his own hands. A lifelong grudge held against O'Meara's son fueled his plan for revenge and without consulting any of the elders, took a few of his most trusted soldiers and put an end to Patrick O'Meara's life. It was only a matter of time before chaos ensued and more blood was shed. No one knows exactly who pulled the trigger, but then again, it really doesn't matter.

Now, Conor O'Meara has been called back from Ireland to lead in his father's place and enact a little revenge of his own. All bets are off and both the Irish and Italians are gunning for each other while the Russian's, with a little meddling of their own mixed in of course, sit back and wait for the smoke to clear.

So who will it be? The Italians who specialize in drug trading and follow a list of commandments? The Russians who are notorious for underground operations and clean transactions? Or the Irish who are perhaps the oldest and most organized crime group in the city? The choice is yours and without it, you might as well be dead.

::The Game::
Characters | Locations | Wanted | Family Structures | Rules | FAQs | Application

::Members Only::
Contact List | Friend All

In Character | Out of Character | Mod Journal

Now Open!

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[info]disney_u - Walt Disney University RPG! [21 Sep 2008|03:13pm]

Welcome to the magical world of Walt Disney University.

Set in the present day in sunny Santa Monica, California,
Walt Disney University (WDU for short) boasts 4,000 undergraduates,
1,000 graduate students, and a 10:1 student:staff ratio.
Known for its excellent academics, NCAA Division I athletics,
and plethora of student activities and Greek life,
WDU is the ideal university for almost everyone!

Game characters are based on characters found in Disney or
Disney/Pixar animated films, shorts, and television series.
Play as your favorite Disney character!
You determine their background, name,
year of school, and major.

Walt Disney University RPG.
Be our guest, and join the magic!

Premise | Characters | Application | Rules
Housing | Majors | Clubs, Sports and Activities | Resources

[info]disney_u | [info]disney_ooc

Walt Disney University is a brand new Disney-themed college-aged game, looking for new members and new characters! We've recently opened, but we're looking for plenty of new characters. Professors, graduate students, and undergraduates are all available for play, just as long as they are based on Disney characters (animated animals will obviously be played in human form). Wanted Disney characters include Cinderella, Jasmine, Gaston, Lumiere, Cogsworth, Captain Hook, Sebastian, Hercules, Jafar, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Bambi, Thumper, Cruella DeVille, The Dalmatians, and many, many more (particularly male characters and villains).

Picture © Annie Leibovitz and the Walt Disney Corporation
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idle hands. [21 Sep 2008|05:00pm]

Rules Premise Character Listing Application Played By's Mod Journal


Five years after the fall of Voldemort. Lives are rebuilt, families reforged, loves rekindled. Wizardfolk are finally learning to live in a world without fear. But not everyone is pleased with the new sunshine-and-smiles lifestyle of the post-war Wizarding world.

Someone has a plan. . .

She has an experiment of her own concoction,
A way to test out some of her most creative potions –
brews that would never be approved for testing by the Ministry.
But what the Ministry doesn't know can't hurt them, right?

what they don't know. . .
. . . right?


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[21 Sep 2008|06:22pm]

Rules Characters PBs Apply

It is September of 2001. It has been just past two years since Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort. Life has slowly begun to return to normal. Witches and wizards everywhere no longer have to look over their shoulders constantly. It's time to focus on careers, relationships, and just moving on in general.

AMORTENTIA? Something strange begins to brew in the wizarding community. People suddenly begin to get sick, reporting symptoms that include a combination of fever or chills, slight hair loss, bright pink spots, itching, and hallucinations. What starts as a small outbreak begins to spread quickly throughout various towns and even Hogwarts, baffling Healers. If untreated, the disease can be fatal. These conditions have no known catalyst and, even more frightening, no known cure. It is highly contagious.

COMING SOON? After some time it will be discovered that the horrific new disease is linked with the love potion Amortentia, and thus referred to as the "Love Plague." Treatment will be developed to hold the disease at bay, but no cure is in sight. Who has unleashed this diabolical weapon upon the wizarding community? Is there any hope to stop this twisted plot? The answers to these questions lie in the brave and noble witches and wizards who must now stand up to solve this mystery and will sacrifice all in the name of the peace Harry Potter brought them...

DESPERATELY SEEKING: MALES, Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Jack Sloper, Theodore Nott, Terry Boot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Lavender Brown, Vaisey, Urquhart, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Montgomery twins, Oliver Wood, Patil twins, Angelina Johnson, etc. Apply today!

Amortentia is a post-war DH-compliant game set to open in one week.

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[21 Sep 2008|07:52pm]

Premise | Characters | PBs | Parents | Leadership | Rules | Application

It's the year 2021 and, since the Battle of Hogwarts, the wizarding world has changed immensely. No longer completely insular, there is an embrace of everything new and, with that, new advancements. Interested in a game with things like wizardvision for your house and global plotting systems for your broom? Tired of all the dark themed games and want a break. Give us a look!

Now Accepting Applications! Game Now In Play!

Needed: BOYS, Fifth years, Ravenclaws, Slytherins, Scorpius Malfoy, Marcus Grunnion, Luke Jordan, Maximillian Montague, Maddie Bell, and lots of others! Please check our 'Wanted Characters' page for more information!

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[21 Sep 2008|11:28pm]


[info]idolexposed -- Ever wonder what happens to your favorite contestants behind the scenes of American Idol, when the cameras are off and the lights go down? Who's hooking up with whom? Who causes drama behind the scenes, and what's the latest gossip on the set? What happens to the contestants once they've been voted off of the show, and how do they handle it offstage? American Idol Exposed has all of the answers to those questions, and more.

Do you play an AMERICAN IDOL contestant or judge, or want to, and are looking for a fun & friendly place to play that is all-Idol, all the time? THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! Tons of your favorite Idol contestants from each season, still available! Check the taken list to see who is taken and who is still needed -- anyone not taken, is welcome, regardless of where they placed in their season! No writing samples to provide. Five week update limit. Adds done daily. Now open to the Top 24 contestants of any American Idol season! We are very friendly here, and will be accepting of anyone who placed in the top 24!

Pick your favorite, and join the fun today!
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