Real Person Fiction

August 10th, 2007

Real Person Fiction

This community is for fiction (het, slash, and gen) based on actual actors, musicians, athletes, politicians, and other public figures. This is not the place to debate the ethics of writing fiction about real people.

All of the stories posted in this community are entirely ficticious, and are in no way meant to imply actual facts about the people portrayed.


August 10th, 2007

Lotrips Remix 2007

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If you've ever read a story and thought: "If I were telling it, I would do it differently", or even "I wonder what that other character was thinking?", then this challenge is for you. Just like musical remixes, this project aims to show how differences in vision and style can cast light on stories in a whole new way.

The Lotrips Remix first ran in 2003. You can check out the results of previous years at the Remix site; if you haven't witnessed a remix before, please do so. It'll help you get a feel of the scope and range allowed. We encourage authors to get as creative as they like, within the boundaries of the project.

The deadline for signing up is August 15 (11:55 pm, pacific time) so please read the rules, and read the very helpful post by cupidsbow on the process of remixing -- that should give everyone confidence that they can discover a new take on an old story, then sign up!

Looking forward to lots of new participants!

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