This is amazing. I LOVE IT. But I have a problem! Every time I try to use it, I get a funny glitch. I've tried it in IE and in Firefox, and it's still not working - no matter how many times I copy and paste your example without even editing the code at all or having put in my own answers. You can find the (really, really incomplete) live example here. For the record: Both the example on this page and the example on scribbld work, so I'm thinking it's maybe just operator trouble? D:
Screenshots: (had to take a couple to actually try and point out the problem >.<) one two three
See how it's pushing that one bar/line thing over? >.< I've been playing with it all day and I've managed to thoroughly confuse myself. (This, for the record, is... the example code with the username, sidebar, and "Character Name" sections filled out only. I figured... I'd better just start over again from scratch at this point.)
Also, and unrelated to the bar/line-thing problem: Whenever I try to edit the Table of Contents, it screws up the spacing on me. Haven't quite figured that one out, either, but that I can live with. >.> I REALLY like this code but it doesn't... seem to actually want to work for me. I've tried with and without the "Auto Formatting" box checked, I've tried fiddling with the code itself, but... I really... don't know what it is now.