Royal Musings

A playground for the muses

Royal Musings



Skipped Back 20

September 29th, 2007

Piper Allison - That'd be me...

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Who am I? I guess that depends on who you ask.

To demons/witches/magical beings alike I'm the queen of hell, an Enchanted, a witch and I've heard at least a few dozen times that i'm a bitch. None of that really phases me considering it is all true.

To friends and family? I'm their best friend, their sister, a pain in the ass, a lover, their mate and a free spirit. I'm also blunt, a smartass, sarcastic, honest, stubborn, independent and always up for a fight.

To me? I am an Enchanted, a witch, the mate to my soul mate and a sister. I am everything that I want to be, and I am perfectly happy with that.
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