Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye

January 7th, 2008

Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye


January 7th, 2008

Just a PSA

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It shouldn't be a big surprise, but because of all the fun and games going on over at GJ, I've deleted this asylum's counterpart over there. I don't expect anyone to be using those communities any longer, but just to be safe and to keep anyone from losing any fics or comments or whatnot if they're trying to hold onto the hope of it somehow being revived, I deleted them. GJ's sunk.

I need to get my offline stress levels back under control so the plotbunnies quit hiding from me. D: We need ficcage here. *pokes and encourages everybody else* Should I do something, post challenges or whatnot? Would anyone be interested in little writing/art challenges or something along those lines to get some blood flowing here again?
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