Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye

December 29th, 2007

Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye


December 29th, 2007

Reposting Fic Series from LJ

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Disclaimer: I own not anything involving Full Metal Alchemist. It belongs to Arakawa Hiromu.
Note: These are mostly canon through the anime series. Some of the last half of the last episode didn't happen, and the ending situation with the Elrics occurred a bit differently (Hohenheim got involved, both brothers are in one piece after the series, and neither brother is telling anyone what happened that night). A few of the pieces are not directly Royai-centered, but they do matter in the overall story and so I stuck them in this link list, but marked them in their summaries as such.

Links are behind cuts because the entire list was a page long in Word once I added header info for them.

Pre-Series )

Post-Series )
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