November 2015




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Jul. 25th, 2015


Locked: Cris M, Sam A, & Clem M,

[Cris M]

I know we established that I'm a pain in the ass, but like...Am I really a pain in the ass? Like really?

[Sam A]

Hey do you have a second, honey?

[Clementine M]

Lets eat a whole pie.

Jul. 19th, 2015


Locks: Jake R, Graham R, Cris M

[Jake R]

You owe me a visit, honey.

[Graham R]

I'm back and rested up, and I think you owe me a meal.

[Cris M]

I'm going down the list and cashing in on things people owe me, I don't know what you owe me, but I'm sure it's something. So pay up.

Jul. 15th, 2015


Penny R

[Locked to Penny R]

Someone looked real pretty in her uniform on the 4th, but I'm getting worried some that toe of yours fell off.

Jul. 4th, 2015


Narrative: Penny Ross

Who: Penny Ross
Where: Washington, DC, in a big white tent near the Federal Courthouse
When: The 4th of July, Ass Early in the Morning (Eastern Standard Time)
What: Debriefing

It wasn't natural for a place to be so God Damn Hot So God Damn Early in God Damn Morning )

Jul. 2nd, 2015


Louis D, Ash D, Penny R, Cris M

[Locked to Louis D]
Hey, Lou. I'll be home soon, yeah? Keep feeding Rodin for me or whatever?

[Locked to Ash D]
I was waiting to see if you'd hit me up.

[Locked to Penny R]
Hey. Got a minute?

[Locked to Cris M]
[Just a phone-snapped picture of this NSFW painting.]

Jul. 1st, 2015


Louis D, Neil D, Call: Penny R

[Morning after this.]

[Locked to Louis D]
Look, I'm sorry about what I said. [...] I'm not [...] gonna hurt anybody.

[Locked to Neil D]
[SIGH.] Sorry bout all the yelling. I wasn't wro And I know you know about Ashleigh.

[Call: Penny R]
[Ring, ring.]

Jun. 27th, 2015


Locks: Clementine M, Graham R, Louis D

[Later in the morning, a more decent hour - after this. A metric ton of feelings that came in the form of bacon to be ingested, one shower, an incident in said shower, and still no sleep later...]

[Clementine M]

I been laying on my couch watching old movies for three days straight, decided to take a shower after all, even Frannie was getting offended by my presence.

But I'm waiting on a phone call (a new one), so I turn my ringer way up, it rings, and I jump out of the fucking shower like a bat out of hell, pick up the phone and its the fucking cable company asking me about my Turner Classic Movies Pay Per View bill, assholes judging my TV watching, making me jump out the shower, I ripped every ring right off the curtain, and I think I broke my toe.

Feel sorry for me.

[Graham R]

You need anything over there? Groceries? Cleaning?

[Louis D]

Hi, Louis. How are you? Have you got a minute?


Call: Penny R

[After this, and during this. Middle of the night.]

[Call: Penny R]

Jun. 21st, 2015


Phone call: Cris M/Penny R

[Phone Call: Penny R/Cris M]


Jun. 20th, 2015



[Public, but locked away from Cris, Sam, and Neil.]

Is there a safe door that someone can go to that isn't heavily populated? Or perhaps just entirely deserted?

Jun. 19th, 2015


Declan M, Penny R, Jake R

[Locked to Declan M]
Feel inclined to lending your sister your expertise some, Dec?

[Locked to Penny R]
Since no one tells me a thing, you go on and say instead. Your cousin back? If so, you owe me some dancing and beer.

[Locked to Jake R]
Found us someplace French, starshine.

Jun. 17th, 2015


Penny R

[During this.]

[Locked to Penny R]
That kid screws with Sam, we're gonna have problems, Pen.


Penny R, [Public - Ross, Murphy and Alexander]

[Penny R]

Aunt Penny, I got a favor to ask.

[Public minus Graham, Penny, Clem and Shane]

[Ball-point on lined paper, clearly done from an angle - on the top of knees, hunched up in a diner booth. Street side, jagged rubble, broken glass. Fixated on a person sweeping on the sidewalk. Hurried lines, cross-hatched shading]

Jun. 11th, 2015


Locks: Graham R, Clem M, Jake R

[Graham R/Clementine M]

Looks like we need to vacate real quick. I can go to a hotel in Vegas if y'all want me to keep watching Joy and the other door is still a mess, Graham you can come on with me there, so can Shane. I'm sure he'd just love rooming up with me. I can get him a place. I can do whatever makes the most sense. Or if it's fine we can all go back there together, or whatever y'all want. I can do whatever. Clementine, you're there, you'll know better than any of us what's going on in the damn city. So what am I doing and where am I going?

[Jake R]

You around? We gotta go, honey.


Quicklog: Penny and Louis: Sam's House - Ocean's 11

Who: Penny and Louis
Where: Sam's house - Ocean's 11
When: During the Stark Tower kerfuffle/nowish-ish
What: Chicken and Waffles? And who knows what else
Warnings: So much sex. I mean. So much. Like. These two are seriously about to get so naked together. Lulz. jk

It was a day... )


Louis D, Penny R, ETA: Batman

[A couple hours after this. Late.]

[Locked to Louis D]
You up?

[Locked to Penny R]
Hey, how's Teresa?

ETA: [Locked to Batman]
[During this.]

[............] You Iris' [......] ex?

Jun. 5th, 2015


Locks and things

[Graham R]

I'm bringing Joy to you. The city is apparently falling to shit. I'm asking Jake to tag along. Where am I gonna find you?

[Jake R]

I was watching Joy for your daddy when all hell broke loose in the city, I'm taking her to him now. I'd like it if you came with us.

[Cris M]

I'm taking Joy to her daddy, and then coming back to the city. I don't know if you got called in - but be safe.


Penny R, Cris M, Meredith J

[She doesn't go to see Shane and Graham. These posts comes about an hour after she leaves this meeting, unaware of any Marvel insanity. A little sloppy.]

[Locked to Penny R]
Hey. You're Cris' old partner or whatever? I couldn't find any other Penny's on here.

[Locked to Cris M]
It says I missed a call.

[In-person: Meredith/Sam]
[True to her word, Sam left the bar she'd been drinking in, some hole in the fucking wall that nowhere near the bright lights of the strip, and she wandered a few steps until she found another bar, one that had speckled cream cups alongside the shot glasses. Coffee, yeah? She wasn't drunk, but she'd forgotten to take the tourniquet off her arm before wandering in, and her ditch was droplets of blood.

In a now-filthy tank and boxers, she bellied up to the bar, red boots untied and white socks to her shins. She still had Neil's glasses on her head, using them as a headband, and she leaned heavy on the tacky wood without looking at her day-drink companions.] Coffee. Black.

Jun. 4th, 2015


[Clementine M]

After This

Hey honey, are you busy at all? I need to get some air, maybe run the dog a little. Joy's sleeping right now, but she'll be getting up soon. Will you come stay with her?

Jun. 2nd, 2015


Narrative: Penny Ross/Phone Call: Penny R/Cris M

Who: Penny Ross (followed by a phone call to Cris M)
What: Narrative/Phone Call
When: The Day After This
Where: Penny's house!

There was a lousy connection )

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